Summrs Perfect Timing (Official Music Video)

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Any type of material used in the making of this music video is for entertainment purposes only. All props, scenes, and lyrics, should not be taken seriously.

Directed by @anti_fl
VFX by @malxk & @exrtgreen

Fallen Raven Out Now on all platforms.
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Out of all the years the earth exists ive been born in the year that would make me experience the best artist (Summrs) their rise.


My son came in my room and asked me if “Fallen Raven” by Summrs aka Rino will be appreciated in the year 2022. I looked him in the eyes and said yes that this album will go down in history as a catalyst that made all the underground give it their all from now on 🥲


My son came in my room and asked me if “Fallen Raven” by Summrs aka Rino will be appreciated in the year 2022. I looked him in the eyes and said yes that this album will go down in history as a catalyst that made all the underground give it their all from now on


I played this in my bedroom in the dawn and as I opened the windows the birds and squirrels across the hood scattered around to sing along!! Thank you Summrs for the impact you have brought not only to us but the animal community!!! 💗


seeing rino comin up makes me shed a tear, ill be forever a proud fan since 2018.


I'm here right now to thank you personally, Mr. Johnson. This song, with its heartfelt yet joyful tune, brought tears to my eyes. I am but a mortal vessel, and as such, I am unable to adequately articulate the sense of divinity and celestial dominance that these angelic chords have bestowed upon me. The whim and astonishment that each soul touching connection left is enough to stimulate the previously sluggish flow of deep emotions that have lied in the depths of my soul. Thank you very much, Mr. Deante Adam Johnson for this beautiful work of art.


i’m so proud of summrs. all the struggles this man went through while on the rise with his music career… it’s honestly breathtaking. i’m speechless summrs the best artist out right now and i hope to see him grow even bigger.


I come here everyday to witness this piece of art. This song washes my demons away. It is truly angelic. Rhino is da biggest bird


all of us have truly won the lottery. not only were we born a human in this time period, we were born during a time where we can experience musical geniuses in the flesh such as summrs.


I've just finished listening to this entire album for the first time, from start to finish. This album is not just music, it is an experience. You get to face emotions that you have never felt before. I feel like an entire new human being, no piece of music has ever intellectually, physically or spiritually accomplished one hundredth of what every note and lyric has awakened deep within my hyper-conscious, challenging everything I've believed in up until this very moment, starting right after the first note of the first track started to play. Simply calling Rino aka Summrs a genius, a prodigy, a man ahead of his time by a couple hundred of years is very much short of what he deserves as an embodied manifestation of what's vaguely understood as a mantra descended upon humanity and does no justice to this masterpiece of contemporary music. Thank you Summrs. 🦅🦅🦅


album def worth the wait, summrs did his thing man


Ever since the beautiful music of “Rino” aka Summrs has come into my life, I have enjoyed prosperity and peace. Everything is at peace, and I am succeeding in my life more than ever before. Thank you rino, and always remember, stream fallen raven.


This Guitar so nice and that Backround lead from Purity too❤️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


I was having thoughts but this Song made me appreciate life a little more. Thank u rino


This song is amazing and so is the album 🔥🔥


this song is so uplifting exactly what I needed 🥹


I was making dinner in the kitchen when my two year old son crawled over to me, stood up, took his first steps, and told me "Father, did a man by the name Deante Adam Johnson, also known by his rapper alias Summrs, create the lyrical masterpiece known as Fallen Raven?" I was in total shock, but I knew deep down in my heart what I had to say in that moment. "Yes son, Summrs, also known as Rino did indeed make that genius album that is way ahead of its time." Just like that, my son went back to crawling and I never heard him utter a single word again. Truly eye opening what Summrs has done for humanity. Thank you Rino!


Doing every thing I can right now to put myself in the position where I can put this song on and truly feel the words in my soul. Been years of tough shit and being down and now it's time to really man up. When all is said and done and I get to put this song on again for my future self, it going to be all worth it. My soul needs it seriously


You literally are walking legend I’m so glad I’m witnessing this greatness and I wanna see how far you go with the music bro


This album will forever be legendary 🤍✨✨
