How to create a virtual environment (venv) using pip for Python programs.

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0:10 How to create virtual environments.
0:25 To install virtual environment into windows, to do that open a command prompt, you can do this by holding Windows logo key and Letter “R”, this will open “run”, Type in “CMD” into that and hit enter, This will open a command prompt.
0:37 Now type in “pip install virtualenv”, This will install virtual environment, now close that command prompt.
0:55 Now go to the folder you want to create a virtual environment,
Once you're in the desired folder, type "cmd" into directory path, it will open a command prompt for that particular directory.
1:03 Now type in “virtualenv newenv”, You can replace "newenv" with the name you want to give to your virtual environment.
1:12 Now you need to activate it, To do that type in “newenv\scripts\activate”.
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