The Victory V30 MkII - The Amp That Does a Bit of Everything!

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👆 The V30 mkII comes in a 6L6 and EL34 version - check them out here:

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Please note that Lee Anderton has a personal financial share holding in the following brands – Victory Amplification, Chapman Guitars and Burns Guitars. The EastCoast, Landlord & Ordo brand names are used for Andertons own brand products.
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Had to like just for interrupting Chappers on his greeting. Priceless.


Sounds great. I really enjoyed Rob's playing this video, especially when he was doing the clean sounds.


You can tell when the boys dig a sound - gone are the stock licks and out comes the improv! Epic.


that guitar sounds great, rob is making everything sound awesome.


If you had a negative experience with this video for some reason, I understand Anderton's is giving refunds for it....ohhh wait...just heard the content was completely FREE. So given that, just turn it off and watch something else. I happen to think the Toska dudes would have the best progressive blues band in Europe if they wanted to do it, but they love the djent stuff - I don't crack on their videos just because I'D rather hear them go another (bluesier) direction. They do what they do. Same with Rob. I don't complain about someone's playing because they use a tone that isn't my favorite cup of tea. Stupid me, I just appreciate the free content...


I tried this amp at my local music store 2 days straight. Wow, this amp is amazing. I played the 6L6 version. Don't be fooled. This amp is loud. Lots of headroom.


Not wanting to sound negative, but i feel my comment is useful. I understand that everyone has different tone taste as far as.. creamy dynamic low gain bluesy stuff to this which i would call 80s glam rock high gain, But if this was a versatile amp I want to hear all tones, nothing against rob as a player at all but for the purpose of this video Joss and Pete would be great along with two different gtars.


@Andertons Music Co @Rob Chapman, Thanks for putting out all of the various videos you've been doing over the years. V30 didn't fit my ears very well but I'm assuming "live" it would sound much different that through a Youtube video, so I tend to ignore the actual sound on all of your reviews in favor of hearing them in person. But thanks for exposing me to a lot of varied gear and reviewing various functions and features, it helps me narrow my searches.

I've enjoyed the various "personalities" now for sometime and it's good to see everyone play various styles. I probably bashed on Mary Spender in a less than mature way and in hindsight I'd probably suggest that you have her creat vocal oriented video reviews. Just could never get behind the "I Always Wanted to orientation, kept thinking "what's in it for me". But then Mary is a very talented "performer" and maybe she'd rather perform that review, just saying.

Having said all reading a lot of the reviews on this video I couldn't help thinking there's a lot of whiney people out there. Nothing wrong with constructive criticism but OMG. I hope these videos make EVERYONE at Anderton's a LOT OF MONEY, because I can't see any other reason to make them. Because if you're making them to benefit the consumer in any other way. then I wouldn't even mess with it.

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat."


I just bought a Charvel! This amp sounds killer with one.


Very impressive tones. The cleans are crystal and I love the crunch setting, as the Captain says, some great blues sounds. Even the heavy gain has nice clarity and I'm not a big amp distortion channel fan


Great video as per usual. I appreciate the positive vibes and commitment to fun and business. With Rob, Lee, Pete and Rabea ya'll have 4 differing sounds. Not to mention the guest players !!! I do not understand the critics of either playing or choice of product. I would hope you would only review items you like and actually stock for sale !!!! I always keep in mind that if you are not running a profitable business, there will be no product to review !!! Keep up the stellar work all of you and THANKS !!!


I own a v30 and it is downright fantastic but it is no where near as bright as I’m hearing in this video? Very fat low end even with the Nomod switch disengaged. The amp is just stellar and I love how it sounds here and in my basement.


Please ignore the mouth breathers who asked you to talk less. I couldn’t even get through this whole video, and I look forward to my Saturday morning watch every week. I enjoy your banter tremendously. If I just want to hear playing, there are dozens of other videos I could watch. Be yourselves, stop trying to be other channels.


Here that tone in the beginning and I instantly like, I already know this is going to be a great video, best channel ever!


Sounded fantastic. There are now, officially, too many amps on my wish list.


The new "heads up" style display with the pedal at the bottom to show what is active is a fantastic idea!


Love the cocked wah sound in the beginning. Very Schenker-like


Apparently this amp is called "Jack" now. Great way of quoting Guthrie here. Furtive Jack and Jack's back are some remarkable tunes.


Old chappers is on 🔥
Need some Victory in my life


I bought the MKii. I was between the Friedman JJ Jr and the V30 mkii. After playing them both first about an hour each I went with the victory. Both are incredibly amps and you would not be disappointed with either, but the victory I felt was more feature rich especially on the clean channel.
