Astrophysicist Brian Keating talks about Galileo Galilei #cosmology

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Can You TRUST Science Popularizers? Joe Rogan & Brian Keating Debate
Astrophysicist Brian Keating talks about Galileo Galilei #cosmology
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Astrophysicist Brian Keating: What It REALLY Means to Follow the Science
Brian Keating: Cosmology, Astrophysics, Aliens & Losing the Nobel Prize | Lex Fridman Podcast #2...
Physicist Professor Brian Keating Talks to Will Witt About Science and Religion | Interviews
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Was There A Big Bang?
Cosmologist Brian Keating on The Fascinating Life and Discoveries of Galileo
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#19 Brian Keating - Inflation, B Modes and Losing the Nobel Prize
Is our universe just one of many? with Max Tegmark
Charting the evolution of the Universe – with Brian Keating
Sabine “Don’t pretend the Multiverse is science!”
Losing the Nobel Prize | Brian Keating | Talks at Google
Astrophysicist: I Wish Aliens Existed
Revolutionary Discoveries That Made Galileo the Original Rebel Scientist
The terrifying reason why we don't see any aliens
Matt Strassler Explains How Motion Is Measured in Astrophysics