I spoke Polish everyday for 3 months. Here's what I learned.

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A review of my progress learning Polish after 3 months.

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EDIT: Sorry I made a mistake. I meant spłacić not sapłacić. I'm still learning, please don't kill me lol.

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Całkiem imponujące postępy jak na 3 miesiące nauki. Dobra robota 👍


"I have to think about what I'm going to say before I say it" - I wish everyone had this approach regardless of the language they speak xD


Płacić, zapłacić, spłacić, opłacić, wypłacić, wpłacić, nadpłacić, niedopłacić, przepłacić, przedpłacić, popłacić, I am not joking, these are all common words. What else?
Excellent progress. Congrats.


as a native polish speaker i wouldve guessed that you've been studying for MUCH longer than 3 months, your progress is AMAZING! keep it up!


Dear Wes, I am from Poland and you sound fantastic! Thank you so much for promoting Poland's wonderful culture! I wish you a marvelous time and all the best for your YouTube journey 🥰


Nie martw się błędami, które robisz, bo nie mają one znaczenia. Najważniejsze jest to, żeby się rozumieć. Polski jest bardzo trudnym językiem, ale ty robisz niesamowite postępy, z czego możesz być dumny. Dla Polaka każdy obcokrajowiec, który potrafi powiedzieć chociażby "Dzień dobry", "Do widzenia" czy "Dziękuję", od razu zyskuje ogromny szacunek i sympatię. Twój wysiłek i determinacja w nauce są naprawdę godne podziwu. Pamiętaj, że każda próba, nawet jeśli czasem wydaje się nieidealna, jest krokiem naprzód. Trzymam kciuki za Twoją dalszą naukę i jestem pewien, że z czasem będziesz mówić jeszcze płynniej!

Don't worry about the mistakes you make because they don't matter. The most important thing is to understand each other. Polish is a very difficult language, but you're making amazing progress, and you should be proud of that. For a Pole, any foreigner who can say even "Dzień dobry, " "Do widzenia, " or "Dziękuję" immediately earns great respect and sympathy. Your effort and determination to learn are truly admirable. Remember, every attempt, even if it sometimes feels imperfect, is a step forward. I'm rooting for your continued learning, and I'm sure that with time, you'll speak even more fluently!


Jesteś bardzo zdolny. Gratuluję, że tak szybko potrafisz uczyć się języka polskiego. Myślę, że za rok będziesz swobodnie rozmawiać po polsku. Życzę wszystkiego dobrego😊


I was wondering what "sapłacić" was meaning, never have heard this word, until you added description, which made me realize that it's not "sapłacić" but "spłacić". You added one too many "a" there. But still, your Polish is pretty good. Powodzenia z kontynuacją nauki


Hi I’m a Pole and been living in the UK for 40 years.

Great to see you learning Polish! Great pronunciation, especially of the sibilants and fricatives. My british partner of 10 years knows only how to say ‘thank you’ and his ‘please’ sounds like ‘piglet’ (I’m sure you know what I mean)

Keep it up. Będziesz gadał like a Pole in no time.


Thanks for sharing your experience. I moved to Poland with my wife and find Polish very, very challenging to learn. It’s reassuring to realise I’m not the only one struggling a bit, and your story inspires me to push on. ❤ 🇵🇱


Hi Wes,

Regarding exposition to language, it is very good advice. I remember, when someone on the internet asked (paraphrasing) "did you know, that order of adjectives in english is important?". And even native speakers were surprised. But then if you try it, you will know it is true. And I didn't know any person, who would put adjectives in correct order, and not one of non natives, who did that intuitively, had any lessons about that. I guess: it comes only from exposure and experience.

I wish you all the best!


Wes, as a Polish person I can tell you... GREAT JOB!!! You are doing great!!!


Huge respect for anybody who takes on learning Polish! Well done Wes!!!


Bardzo dobrze ci idzie. Chociaż to niesamowite jak bardzo zmienia się głos kogoś kto mówi w innym języku. Well done


A widzisz! Jednak się da nauczyć języka. Osobiście jestem dumna z Twoich postępów w nauce Polskiego. Trzymam za Ciebie kciuki. 👍👍👍👍Powodzenia 😀😀😀


Instead of "sapłacić" it should be "spłacić" ;) Respect for learning Polish, it's not an easy task. And you are right, sometimes I would catch myself not being sure how to say something correctly. And because it's my mother language, often I'm not able to explain why you say some stuff certain way 🫣 Good luck!


Cześć, it may help you if you know that all the verbs whose infinitives end with -ować conjugate in the same way ( your example was ‚próbować”) and there are many others like: gotować, rysować, malować, produkować etc. You are doing really well!!!👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


For a 3 months of work your progress is quite impressive :D Powodzenia!


WOW WOW. I'm so impressed, you are making great progress. Your vocabulary is on high level. 😎 I think we have a new Polish citizen.
