Breaking Down Common Menopause Myths with Oprah, Drew Barrymore, Maria Shriver, and More

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I’m 49. I’ve had night sweats for many years, and then started to have hot flashes, acne, itchy skin, hair loss, and a 20 lb weight gain in six months. I just started HRT this week and I’m already sleeping better and my anxiety has decreased.

Edit: I lost 6lbs the first week due to water retention


Thank you for TALKING ABOUT MENOPAUSE!!! For years I would bring up menopause with different people: female physicians (of menopausal age themselves), my sisters, my mother... and NONE of them had anything to say about it. NONE of them. With the exception of complaints from my sister and mom about hot flashes or lack of sleep. I found it astonishing and sad that none of my doctors would talk about it with me. I felt like they were looking at me like I had three heads and one had an attitude, like "not me!" It took me until age 55 to reach one year with no period. My symptoms started around age 40. We need to talk to each other ladies!!!


No one mentions the effects it has on your mental health, I was suicidal until I was put on hrt, it’s was a horrible thing to have to deal with 😢


Due to osteopenia, chronic UTI's, and extremely thinning skin (very easily tearing and bruising), went on bioidentical hormones at age 78. Originaly had zero estrogen in my bloodwork, so I've been building dose slowly. Being monitored every three months -- been on them now for nearly six months and already have marked improvement in skin and bladder. My regular MD wouldn't prescribe bioidenticals and told me to just get over-the-counter cream. After hours of researching OTC's, it was clear I needed medical guidance, so found a nurse practitioner to work with me -- she's excellent.


For me, the symptoms are hot flashes and moodiness. The hot flashes interrupt my sleep also. I find that what I eat has a lot to do with these symptoms. When I eliminate sugar, fried foods (oil), junk food, and bread, I don't get the symptoms. Fresh fruit, especially strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, apples, green vegetables, water, intermittent fasting, and walking really help me to control the symptoms. But not eating sugar is very hard. It's in everything. I have to read labels when I shop.


I’m 49 years old and I’ve been on You Tube seeking and searching for help because I feel so badly. To now learn I’m not dying of some disease these Dr are miss diagnosed I have menopause. after all the test to see why I just started heart palpitations, no mention of this evil menopause. My joints are stiff and hurt my head hurts every day all day. I have no energy. I haven’t had restful sleep in years. Thank you. I will tell my Dr what I’ve learned


Drew is correct. Access to healthcare advice and practitioners is a struggle. Having conversations about menopause is only beginning to address that menopause is as real as puberty and must be a valid, informed conversation.
Middle age has a freedom to it that is beautiful and fulfilling. Many women are finally arriving at that beautiful intersection of longevity and wisdom. Finding your way through the menopause is key to living your best life moving forward.


What an important conversation.

I appreciate the changes that my body has to go thru, but honestly, it sometimes makes me feel like I’m on the brink of going crazy dealing with the symptoms.

Information is power! Thanks.


Loved the way Drew expressed herself. On her show she can be so giddy and flighty but here I see a maturity in her I had never seen. I agree that we shouldn't go thru this alone and in silence.


The biggest thing I have discovered is just how much menopause messes with you when you have an underlying health condition. So many women I have heard say that although they managed a condition, when menopause hit, it just became unbearable. This was my experience with migraine and although it's sad to learn from migraine consultants that this is what happens for women with menopause, at least it has made me appreciate that it was nothing I did wrong. I'm now on B2 and consuming magnesium and really pacing myself with everything and doing so much better than the last year or so which was just horrendous.


I as a mum did high performance sports for over 20 years. Now older i truly believe the sports/massive daily amounts of oxygen and deep breathing had set my body up for older age. Mentally the best thing. Period stopped and no problems. Blessings.


THANK YOU, ladies. I was convinced I had to "muscle" throught it. It's been two years of absolute HELL!!! Hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, lack of sleep, hair loss, lack of energy, weight gain...but i kept saying "it's better than getting cancer from HRT" I've already left a msg for my GYN to get a prescription. I'm sick of this horrible life. I haven't been myself for far too long 😢😢


Ten years!??!!? LOL! I've been going through it longer than that. It's horrible. And without being able to take hormones??? It's horrible. Absolutely horrible.


Soooo needed to speak on this. We definitely need more


Drew said, " and not suffer silently." That seems to be my life. It's all so complicated and frustrating. Then, add in insurance limitations, costs etc.. Im 48 and have been through it. Endometriosis, double uterus/double cervix, cysts, & now peri-menopause with insane symptoms. It makes me shut down completely which is obviously not good for my health because I stop looking for answers and "suffer in silence".. seems less stressful so many times.


I'm 55 and started menopause about 3 years ago. I didnt experience hotflashes. However, I did experience a lot of sinus and allergy issues; less sleep etc.


I’m 46, and I don’t see any indicators yet that I’m going to start menopause any time soon. I’m taking this time to get as healthy as possible. I’ve lost about 70 lbs, gave up alcohol and switched to a Whole Foods plant based diet. Also trying to be more active, as I’m quite sedentary. I hope my self care helps. My mom had a terrible time with menopause.


I mussel through it for 12 years in those days there was nothing I could do. My mom the generation before me did the same. She had it really bad and so was I. I am glad they are doing something about it now. In my days nobody was even talking about it.


Thank you for this conversation, Oprah. Very important to share current, relevant info with the public. Women shouldn't have to suffer needlessly.


I went into menopause at age 46 (now 47). Black Cohosh has helped significantly with unbearably night sweats.
