Coronavirus press conference (11 May 2020)

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Coronavirus press conference (11 May 2020)

🔵 Prime Minister Boris Johnson
🔵 Prof Chris Whitty, Chief Medical Officer for England
🔵 Sir Patrick Vallance, UK Government Chief Scientific Adviser

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I can’t believe we were asking Government permission to see our friends and family in a fucking park!! 😡😡😡


They partied in the garden of No.10 four days after this!


Sweden doing about the same as everyone else but benefiting from increased herd immunity, stronger economy and jobs. Sweden, we salute your experts and leadership, as the facts speak for themselves !


WhiTTY kind of described a bad flu and then tried to waffle back to COVID 19 dangers and became a fortune teller!


Watching this back in June 22. Its incredible. Boris deserves a medal


Boris says 25 mins in roughly he hopes hopes hopes we will achieve a virus what the hell


45.00 mins Thank you Chris Whitty for your honesty.


We’re all in it together, unless you’re an Imperial College computer modeller and you wish to blatantly flout your own lockdown instructions in order to continue your immoral and adulterous affair with your married girlfriend “ we’re all in it together “, unless you are a senior government advisor and fancy a 250 mile independent frolic during lockdown so you can “ test you’re eyesight “ “ we’re all in it together “ unless you are old, frail and being sentenced to solitary confinement in your own home or even worse, a care home which has been riddled with infectious disease due to short-term and shortsighted government hospital discharge policies “ we’re all in it together “ unless you’re protesting historical slavery and can congregate en masse, ignore social distancing and mask regulations, Loot and vandalise at will with no fear whatsoever of any official reprisals, “ we’re all in it together “ Unless you live in Leicester, Bradford or East Lancashire and have been singled out and victimised for additional prejudicial and almost certainly racist additional lockdown measures, ” we’re all in it together “ unless you operate in the shadows relentlessly censoring and deleting anyone with any opinions or arguments however well researched, rational and factual that contradicts the world health organisations party line, “ we’re all in it together “ Unless you’re a Poly parrot journalist happy to copy and paste whatever government press releases fall into your lap without any independent research, critical insight whatsoever or consideration of any alternative points of view, ” we’re all in it together “ Unless you’re an NHS worker concealing the truth about your empty pandemic hospitals from the public while preparing to perform TikTok dance routine propaganda, “ we’re all in it together “ Unless you happen to question the obvious paradoxes, inconsistencies and statistical lies we’re being forced fed on a daily basis in which case your demonised, Discredited and castigated into the conspiracy theory pit of hell, ” we’re all in it together “ unless you die of natural causes when you will be reported as a “ died after testing positive for coronavirus statistic “ even if you fell off an edge of a cliff, couldn’t access life-saving cancer treatment or took your own life because your mental health was destroyed by lockdown, ” we’re all in it together “ unless, through absolutely no fault of your own, you’ve lost your livelihood due to the economic carnage caused by the governments hysterical, excessive and arbitrary social control measures, ” we’re all in it together “ unless you’re over 75, struggling to make ends meet on your pittance of a state pension and fighting off the BBC bailiffs at your door who are insistent on you paying them for the privilege of their expensive, uneconomical and biased propaganda forced down your throat, ” we’re all in it together “ unless your the Bill and Belinda Gates foundation and your relentlessly pursuing your own egotistical personal agendas of unlimited power, wealth and greed regardless of the genocidal cost to humanity, ” we’re all in it together “ unless your Sir Patrick Vallance, Chief scientific advisor to the government and you have £600, 000 shareholding’s in GlaxoSmithKline who are producing and selling The vaccine you’re recommending, ” we’re all in it together “ Unless your an SNP MP called Margaret Ferrier and feel free to travel willy-nilly across the country with total contempt And disregard for self isolation mandates, ” we’re all in it together “in a cesspit of lies, Corruption and oppressive tyrannical Psychological control. Perhaps that’s what the slogan really means, we really are all in this together, up to our necks init and without a paddle


Nothing on the NHS app. In the meantime can we all consider using the King's Coillege app? For details Google "king's college app" and follow the trail from there. It is available in the App Store and on Google Play under the name 'COVID Symptom Study'.


basically we can meet our lass in the park but taxing on the swings is pushing it too far!


Where do I get the wait music from? It's niiiicceee


Coronavirus press conference (11 May 2020) This must be the new April Fools Day...!
Prime minister Boris Johnson is gunning for a vaccine while 45:18 Professor Christopher John MacRae Whitty CB FRCP FFPH FMedSci is an English physician and epidemiologist who is Chief Medical Officer for England, Chief Medical Adviser to the UK Government, Chief Scientific Adviser at the Department of Health and Social Care and Head of the National Institute for Health Research appears to be playing down the figures right after the VACCINE word from Boris...!
Like Laurel and Foo king Hardy these two...


My God, he rounded that up quick! Desperate to get out of there. What a joke.


49:27 Chris, you need lessons in EQ. I get where you're coming from, from a scientific perspective it's an extremely small risk to kids, and therefore something that isn't taken as a factor i.e. ignored, in the grand scheme of things - but that's scant consolation to the handful whose kids have died from Covid. It is certainly not a 'good thing'. No deaths is a good thing.


🇩🇪👑🇩🇪PHILIPPE Prince GERMANY 🇩🇪👑🇩🇪memo : feldjager, wrote : Anna Wintour is Back, merem. hola, 🇬🇧👑💖Duke of Edinburgh & Queen Elizabeth ii💖👑🇬🇧, 2020.


Boris talking out his arse again. Used to rate him. Go back to work and save me having to fund the money to pay what he soul have said.


Alex from the Lake District is very hot boris Johnson needs to do more and he needs to prove himself Matt Hancock needs to go now natasha look so beautiful two 😁


Boris misspoke. ..."step 3 no later than July 4th..." Surely he meant 'earlier'?


This lot don't know their Rs from their elbow.


Why not just hang in there with lockdown for a further 3 weeks. Figures would be right down and it could have gone to schools and workplaces opening rather than pissing about with unclear messages
