7 Costly Things You're Doing Way Too Much | The Financial Diet

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We recently started doing our grocery shopping online. It feels so indulgent, yet we end up saving quite a bit of money because you don't get distracted or buy things you don't really need. Shopping takes minutes because we write a list and also use to saved list of items we bought the previous week. All the things we buy every week we get again, and then only add what we need that week on top of that. No shopping stress, and everthing gets delivered. It's the best!


0:25 Grocery Shopping
2:45 Checking Your Email
4:22 Using Utilities
5:47 Driving
7:26 Subscription Services and Service Packages
8:27 Negative Self Talk
10:09 Washing Your Hair


1) buying household goods too often
Avoid making extra trips to the store and make a list to stick to that’s well thought out

2) checking email

3) using utilities

4) driving

5) paying for subscriptions and service packages

6) negative self talk

7) washing your hair


When you already do all of this by default because you’re poor 🤣


Whenever I watch these money- or time-saving advice videos, I get so frustrated, because those are normal to me, and I guess for most people in Europe/Germany. Still, I want to save money. 😅


Another tip for saving on your grocery bill, is to not do your shopping when you're hungry.


I disagree. I go to to the store more 2x a week and I realize that I waste less. Fruit and raw vegetables dont last long; a few days tops.


As a researcher, I just want to thank you for citing the research you're talking about when you say that "research shows" something. This is great and I want to see more of it in the world!


I needed to hear number 6 today. Got one poor grade out of dozens of good and even excellent grades throughout my degree and spent hours feeling like a failure. I want to be better, so I decided to be nicer to myself and try not to let it affect my performance. I'm almost done with this degree and I'm so close to my desired GPA, no use giving up now!


"I have a rare scalp" 😂😂
Loved this video! I'm actively trying to save money and your channel has been a huge help this past year


#8 Buying too many unnecessary cushions for the sofa


THATS IT! I deleted the mail app off of my phone. I feel like I've slowly been working towards this anyways (I turned all notifications and badge alerts off a few months ago and have loved it) and honestly, I'm on my laptop a few times a day anyways... why do I need instant access to refreshing mail? Thanks for the push!


The email one is HIGHLY dependent on your job. Some of us have jobs where checking our email IS part of our responsibilities, not just a means of socialization and communication between employees. Anyone who is a client manager or customer service advocate knows we can't simply check it once a day. My employer requires us to respond to client emails with two hours.


Grocery shopping used to be one of the things I would over spend the most on, especially on things that I had no plans to use and buying it "just incase". Now, instead of buying in bulk for the week or two ahead, I buy for a few specific meals that I plan on making either that day or the next. This way there's less waste and less stuff just hanging out in my pantry. Although I go to the grocery store more now (luckily there's one 2 minutes away from where I live), my trips average less per visit and less over all as well. Planning on what to buy at the grocery store before going is key!


Check your emails at a set time in the day, not throughout the day. You do one load of washing you don't just wash one sock at a time.


The dishwasher suggestion is incorrect. Hand washing dishes uses at least two or three times as much water as using a dishwasher, even an old, if you're being really efficient about it. Even if you try really hard to use as little water as possible, you're probably using less water if you just run a half full machine. I know I'm not the only one here painting this out and I really hope Chelsea sees these comments.


Freeze, folks!! I got a Fab deal on a 5.5 cu ft (pretty small) chest freezer at ALDI for $80 and it has been amazing for freezing fresh fruit when it is cheap, local, and in-season, and make smoothies and pies all winter. Fresh cherry pie in the middle of winter? Why, yes!
Buy meat when it goes on deep sale and use it over time. Then your grocery trips will be mostly produce and Staples :)


Twice-a-week to once-a-week hair washer here! I constantly get compliments from my hair stylist (who I only see every six to eight months) about how healthy my hair is, even though it's bleached and colored like a rainbow. She praises my hair washing routine, and wishes more would do it!


You're so right about the public transportation. It's ridiculous that our public transit options are so limited. Great information and great video, thanks!


The no. 7 couldn't be more true. My dermatologist told me that you only need to wash your hair 2-3 days/week. If you wash it more often then your hair starts to go thinner, weaker, oilier or drier and this is what hair products companies expect you and want you to do, so that you keep buying more of their hair products (that you, actually, don't need) in order to ''fix'' your hair ''issues''.
