Ohio House passes bill to ban transgender girls from female sports | USA TODAY

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In a late night session, the Ohio House passed a bill prohibiting transgender girls from participating in female sports in high school and college.

House Republicans passed a bill late Wednesday that would prohibit transgender girls from joining female sports teams in high school and college, shoving the proposal into an unrelated bill before taking off for summer break.

Wednesday's vote, which came on the first day of Pride Month, marked the second time Republicans sought a back-door path for the controversial measure. The House initially added it to a bill to allow college students to profit off their name, image and likeness, a move criticized by Gov. Mike DeWine when it passed last year.

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#Ohio #TransgenderAthletes #LGBTQ
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hallelujah! finally some sane actions have been taken.


I believe it is appropriate to administer a physical to every potential school athlete. This was a requirement during my school years. (Proof of age, physical exam by a certified physician approving athletic participation.)


Shout to Ohio! Good Work upholding morals and biology. Even though these ideologies shouldn't even be so apparent like the man said only 11 in 6 years! How could a majority cater everything to such a small minority makes no sense


Now how about doing the same for there locker rooms 🤔


Thank you! Finally a little bit of normalcy coming back


Now if everyone else will follow suit....let them all have a fair chance of winning...wtg Ohio


Yes. Do not let the delusional determine what rules they selfishly believe what’s right. They are DELUSIONAL!


Dave Chappelle Did a show in Buffalo and gave every dime of the proceeds to the family's of the victims of the shooting. But no one wants to talk about that.


Years ago there was a huge boy on my small son's foot ball team. He was a sweet heart & they all got along, but the smaller boys like my son got hurt by him too often, some with concussions. They moved him up with the older kids. but those kids were much more coordinated & matured, so they wound up sending him back. He wound up hurting more kids & felt terrible about it. & the atmosphere became even more stressed. I know parents feel the need to fight for their kids, but they often don't even know what their kids want. While on a job in an old age community I noticed alot of beautiful pencil bust drawings on the walls. I asked the old timer who did them & she said she did. She said she started 5 years ago when she was about 80. It turned out that she'd been told by her parents that she wasn't the artistic one, tho she wanted to be. Her family & then her husband insisted she couldn't draw a straight line all her life & pushed her elsewhere. It wasn't untill a few years after her husband died, when there was no one left to control her that she gave it a go. You can't make the world adapt to your kids, but you can help your kids by listening to them, what they want & how to adapt. Their social well fare is more important to their health & happiness than what ever it is you want them to do or be. Lastly, kids fantasize about everything. It doesn't mean that every fantasy defined them anymore than every compulsion defines anyone. We seem to be living in an era of relentless urgency in a race for security. We're so worried about being some where that we don't even know where we are.


Why is Khazarian Tube hiding so many Replies?


Thank god. Thank god there’s still common sense


Good finally! Give them a inch and they take a mile


As a biological man who has competed against women in sports, in soccer and martial arts, I urge, desperately urge, any sound-minded people, to support any legislation banning the participation of biological males in women’s sports!!


Males have their sports teams ..as well as female.
Transgenders can form trans sports without impinging unfairly against females.


Don't they know that boys make the best female athletes? Haven't they seen how much faster and stronger boys with long hair are? Don't they want to win?


That is the fly in the ointment. Imagine Mike Tyson re-identifies as Transgender and he then becomes World Champion as a woman boxer, he'd waltz that one, whatever that means. ;-)


Transgenders should still compete again those Soccer Feminists to shut them up about equal pay nonsense.


Good save woman sports from transformers 😂😭🤣😂 let's go Brandon....MAGA...TERF....


the word "biological" or the words "born biologically as" should be used in front of the word male or female on federal and state and city forms. If LA can pass legislation banning particular trans-gender sports competition...then it seems reasonable to be able for states to pass laws pertaining to check marking what gender a person was biologically born as... on legal documents/forms....beginning with birth certificate to death certificates and anything in-between.


And the fight back is on, about time.
