The 'Dambusters'. The true story of World War II's most daring bombing mission. #RAF #dambusters #80

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On the night of May 16th 1943, a Royal Air Force squadron of Avro Lancaster bombers took-off from RAF Scampton, heading for the industrial heartland of Germany.

Led by Wing Commander Guy Gibson, the 19 Lancaster Bombers of 617 Squadron launched arguably the most audacious, daring and innovative air assault through World War II.

Operation Chastise targeted three of the most important dams in the Ruhr Valley; the Möhne, Eder and Sorpe. Carrying the revolutionary ‘Bouncing Bomb’, the brain child of Barnes Wallis, the aim of this mission was to not only destroy the dams, but to seriously disrupt the manufacturing output by Germany.

What followed was a feat of human courage, tenacity and dedication to duty, and as a result 617 Squadron has ever after been known by the epithet, "The Dambusters"!

This classic documentary includes rare footage mixed with computer graphics & animation to represent the bombing raid itself.

This is not to be missed!

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As a young soldier, based in Germany in the 60's I sailed on the Moehne many times, and the repaired breach in the dam face was clearly visible even then. What brave men those RAF guys were.


My uncle Joe McCarthy was American who joined the Canadian Air force as a pilot flying the Lanc for the raid on Sorpe. He wrote a book on it.


I spent 22 years in the RAF, and the Dambusters story is both legendary and a story that has been told many times and often, but this telling of the story revealed many facts and snippets of information that I, and I suspect many others had not previously known. Good use of CGI to explain things - very well done.


This is probably the most comprehensive documentary I've seen regarding the British 'Dam Busters!' It doesn't just discuss the attack, but it also reveals the science that preceded the event! Well done!


Just finished reading a book about the Bomber Pilots flying the Lancaster they had a life expectensy of only 6 days such Bravery to go out night after night to do there duty RESPECT


My great Uncle flew 75 missions in a bomber in World War Two he was 19 when he went to war and thankfully came home he died at a ripe old age of 102 but if it wasn’t for the sacrifice of that generation we would not be here today living our lives as they are


617 Squadron, Wing Commander .Guy Gibson . Thank you .


Many thanks for producing this excellent, informative documentary, I learnt many new facts. Sadly, few of the outstandingly highly skilled and brave squadron members survived to the end of the war, but along with all whose lives were lost, we must never forget, honour and cherish the freedom they won and gave us today. RIP hero's all.


So glad someone took the initiative to bring this program to the publics attention. Our young service people need to know that their contributions do count for something. WW2 was won by such contributions in many innovative solutions. Never underestimate the value of a dreamer.


I visited these dams about 50 years ago. Then you could still see which parts were repaired, the new stones/bricks were lighter in colour.


a lot of brave young men never came home from the dambuster raid god bless them all we all remember them R.I.P to them all


A very informative production. All respect to these young pilots, some of whom gave their all. I don’t know how I would have performed had I ever been put in their positions. Early twenties, most of them, with more courage than I have had in a sixty year life time! I won’t be forgetting this video or the pilots and flight crews in a hurry.


Like the proverb.."necessity is the mother of invention", was never more clear than this moment in history


Interesting documentation. May I complain just very quietly about the background music? No music required in my humble opinion


An excellent video containing a lot of historic film that I haven't seen before. Thank you for putting it together.


I remember watching the Dam Busters movie back in the 60's and I've been fascinated by this mission ever since.


When I was an AnE nurse I met a tail gunner and later an erk that took part.
The tail gunner, who I shall quote, said There were many times during that I nearly shit meself , but that night was the closest I ever came to it .
Immediately the bomb was gone, the skipper pulled up so hard, the ends of my guns were in the water!!".
They both made me feel very humble.


Extraordinary bravery on these pilot's part to press the attack under adverse conditions.


Fascinating documentary, I visited the Eder dam and have also piloted a light aircraft over the dam. The skill of the pilots and the intelligence and determination of Barnes Wallis can't be overstated.


The Motto Of 617 Squadron Sums It Up The Best-APRES MOI, LES DELUGE, "After Me, The Flood"
