Wittgenstein the Mystic (& the Key to Mysticism?)

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I used some quotes from Peter Kreeft's Ethics for Beginners.
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I. Philosophy for beginners
I recommend starting (or continuing) your study of philosophy with the following three clear, entertaining, accurate, and insightful books.

II. Good Introductions to Ethics
(buy an earlier and chapter edition)

III. Some Great Books

IV. Logic
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When someone one walks up to you and out of the blue smacks you in the face for no apparent reason. Ethics is born.


When asked what is God, Alex Grey said, "infinite mystery", and I agree...
I sure should read Wittgenstein's book mentioned here, I studied him in college and he seemed to be right on point, indicating the logical limitations western philosophy so far.


Literally the last philosopher in the world I plan to read. Need a special kind of brain to read that stuff. It seems to me that philosophy isn't what it used to be. How many words of Wiechtenstein were needed to distill into this 15-second video?


Wittgenstein famously repudiated almost all that he’d written in *TLP* ( there are lines of continuity, eg. on the nature of philosophical theorising). In that work he had reduced the domain of meaningful human discourse to a level just a notch more informative than tautology (I think W held onto his remarkable insight into the nature of tautology). In some respects we can compare, I think, W with Dostoyevsky’s tortuous struggle with faith, reason and evil. Ivan Karamazov cuts a vaguely Wittgensteinian figure who must reject *reason* in pursuit of wisdom. *TLP* is perhaps my favorite of his works with the possible exception of *Remarks on The Foundations of Mathematics* .


I believe Wittgenstein does mention ethics at least once in the Tractatus:

6.421. It is clear that ethics cannot be expressed.
Ethics are transcendental.
(Ethics and æsthetics are one.)

But this obviously supports your picture of Wittgenstein as a whole. Do you have any videos about him?


This video includes direct quotes from Peter Kreeft's excellent "Ethics for Beginners"


Its like....buying an icecream cone but freezer is broken, and yet you live in Antarctica and don't need any kind of freezer😊


I’m curious about where/when did he say that the point of the Tractatus was ethics?


That is why Russell didn't like the later Wittgenstein!


If you have no idea of God, you will not recognize Him when He appears. You can blow Him off as a delusion or be fooled by a demon. Plenty of mystics have thought they discovered God only to realize they’d discovered Satan. Only by studying the experiences of holy men, and by spending time with them do we learn to recognize the presence of God as a real and objective thing.


Ethics in the sense of non-cognitivism or am I way off


Permit me to disagree. There's another path to God that is not The mysticism. There's the gnose that is not the realm of only love, but includes patience, silênce and lot of courage to go further yourself


A fine one to talk about ethics when he used to hit kids. Anyway, this is just Apophatic theology.
