WHEN LIFE BREAKS YOU - Powerful Motivational Speech
PAIN IS TEMPORARY - Motivational Speech
BEAST MODE - Best Motivational Speech Video (Featuring Coach Pain)
I live with chronic pain and can relate. People who are healthy should try to love what they have. They are so fortunate and blessed to have good health.
I love how he never tells others to "suck it up" since he lives with constant pain. Everyone experiences pain differently.
This is how stress kills, it looks alot like this, and the feeling is pain!
I got in an accident that left me paralyzed when I was 16, and a sophomore in high school. I currently live with my mother and many siblings, who I wish knew how good they had it.
I miss being able to do the simplest of things like, going to the bathroom like a normal person and not in a bag/container. I miss feeling the earth beneath my feet, being able to dance, I grieved my dreams and lower mobility.
My spinal cord injury left me with chronic pain, so this is very relatable. I am glad that anyone who can relate to know that I am so grateful, proud, and happy that you are alive.
The beauty of life is something I have learned to appreciate, it’s been four years since my accident in August 2020.
I’m turning 21 this October. Only this past year have I truly made progress physically and mentally.
I spent years in pain and only focused on what I wasn’t, and could no longer do.
It took my father passing from an abrupt heart attack in January 2022, for me to start trying to make the best of my situation.
After my car accident a year ago, I have had pain each and every day. Listening to the officers tell me I’m lucky to be alive makes me glad I can feel pain. Spinal injuries suck
This is the most perfect response to someone saying ”you're a pain " when you're in a horrible mood .
Edit: Why's some people so offended by this? 😭😂🤔
I can feel the pain he's suffering and I can hear the pain in his voice. Hugh Laurie is an awesome actor 😊
Hugh Laurie does such an excellent job of portraying House with his shield down in this scene and him being 100% honest and with no sarcastic undertones.
Just brutal honesty of how he truly feels regarding his pain and how he lives with it, but he still goes on because deep down under all his sarcasm, he truly wants to help others, despite not been able to actually help himself. 😔
I absolutely love Hugh Laurie, he doesn't get enough recognition for how truly talented he is and how many different sides of House he shows us, both good and bad. 💙
every morning i wake up and ask god why keep me alive, take my life and give it to someone who needs it who is living his life to fullest 🙂
I love House. There’s a lot of people out there that feel like that. Keep going. You got this.
I always see this one. 100% true
Sad but true
I'm with you, pain sucks especially when it's unbearable and non ending. Nothing helps😢
Ohh how many times i felt this throughout my life, he expressed perfectly what alot of us feel.
Yep, chronic illness and nerve and bone damage from my mother have made me live in constant pain permanently. Some times I wonder how healthy people can hate their bodies. I wish them all the best and hate that they cannot see how amazing and lucky they are.
Life can sometimes be more painful than pain itself..
I have lived in pain and with pain my whole life. Sometimes life also creates the pain….Just remember when we stop feeling pain it means we are no longer living or we are living too comfortably….Pain makes us human!
Greg house is a legend..epitome of walking the fine line of sheer genius and awareness of ones insanity..like most us addicts really
"It ain't about how hard you hit, it's about how hard you can get hit and keep going"
Everyday is a battle every day is pain but my little cousin whom I raised and lived with is graduating with passing classes proud of this kid he’s the only reason why I go if he ever sees this I love you little brother I’m proud of you if I’m not here one day I hope you see this comment and know I’m proud
Yeah, I feel every word this man says. I live and breath with a pain and I know it will never go away till the day I'm inside that box for me