When a Twin Flame Chaser Gives Up or Moves On What Happens Next?

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What happens when the chaser moves on?
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Does it mean the end of the road or is it just another step on the twin flame journey? Does the twin flame runner notice a change?

It’s perfectly normal for the twin flame chaser to move on or give up. It does not (necessarily) mean the end of the twin flame journey and often leads to the next step of the twin flame relationship, even if that seems counter-intuitive.

I see a lot of misconceptions and misunderstandings about this so let’s dig in a little deeper. Whether you’re the runner, the chaser or you’re just trying to understand the twin flame journey. Hopefully, this will help you understand what’s going on.
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i was the chaser, i gave up, and moved on. He didn’t respond to my feelings, he didn’t open up. I could sense he liked me, and had feelings for me, but he kept it hidden. I struggle every day to move on with my life, i find it so hard to be happy, I miss him so deeply. I try to force me not to think about him, but my heart hurts and everything reminds me of him. i see car like his, or hear a song, and my heart skips a beat. sometimes i wish i had never met him. 🤷🏻‍♀️💕😔


I Use to be the chaser until I did my shadow work and put all the love I wanted from him into myself. Peace and Blessings🙏🏿


When the chaser starts becoming aware of their own worth and stops chasing and starts inner work and finally their soul mission = Game over for masculines.. now they start facing tower moments and start going crazy coz they are losing control, which forces them to transform and become DM and finally start taking action..


I wish ppl will stop saying you might not be together this lifetime. If you met in this lifetime hell that’s when it’s gonna happen.


Self respect stopped me from chasing. I depend on God and the universe to provide.


I'm not chasing or running I'm love being by myself


Chaser that has now found a wonderful soulmate. Still feeling heartache but moving on.


I can say it from my perspective, I was the chaser and I’m moving on. I needed to do it, it was suffocating me, stopping me from my purpose in life, I was focused on him all the time and I just walked away.


I chased so much, he ran right into the arms of someone else 😏😅 I laugh, but it's extremely painful.. he still reaches out to me and says he misses me.. but he married someone else, so.. all of this is very exhausting.. grateful for lessons learned, but I'm tired.. be well, folks.♥️


I finally surrendered after 15 years of emotional torment, pain, loss, obsession, and longing for my twin. I never felt so free in my life. I’m no longer interested and no longer desire the reunion ❤


Chaser. It’s a mindset, the way I allow my mind to define what’s happening matters.
I’ll never Give Up, but rather I have Surrendered. Let happen what may, in its own timing. The sweetest fruit is allowed to ripen naturally.


You are your twin flame. One soul, two bodies. Once you get connected to your soul, it’s all groovy. ❤️❤️🙏🏻


I couldn’t take the pain and frustration. I had to end the chasing cycle, and move forward.


Twin flames accelerate our soul’s growth and evolution 🌺


The chaser, im ready to move on, and I am doing it, i can no longer wait for a gost, that may use the rest of his life to open up, cause he doesn’t dare to meet his fears and trauma


I was the Chaser but no longer, it's been about a year since last round of separation only this I put huge boundaries in place and cut contact, he has tried, his A-Hole behaviour was quite enough I realised I deserve everything wonderful that life has to offer. Now I put my energy and love into me.


The chaser. I can't forget him, the synchronicities pile on.


Sometimes you need to let go so the runner can feel a lessening of your intense vibrations and get in touch with what's really happening for them. Of course it works both ways....it really is all about working on yourself- and about trusting God to do everything else- whatever the outcome.


i was the runner, as a female. i just wasn’t ready. It frightened me so i ran far far away from him. I’m now at a place where i’m not running and i feel ready for this


I was the chaser AND now i decide to move on AND love myself first. And Let go. We still talk but my aproach to the conection Is diferent. I am living this conexión to God AND moving on to start having somenthing solid in my life.
