Poor Man's Covered Call Explained - Full Example

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Poor Man Covered Call
A "Poor Man’s Covered Call" is a Long Call Diagonal Debit Spread that is used to replicate a Covered Call position. The strategy gets its name from the reduced risk and capital requirement relative to a standard covered call.

Directional Assumption: Bullish

- Buy an in-the-money (ITM) call option in a longer-term expiration cycle
- Sell an out-of-the-money (OTM) call option in a near-term expiration cycle

The trade will be entered for a debit. It’s important that the debit paid is no more than 75% of the width of the strikes.

Stock at $100
Purchase (Expiration 2) 90 call for $15
Sell (Expiration 1) 110 call for $5
Net debit = $10.00 on a 20-point-wide long call diagonal spread

Ideal Implied Volatility Environment: Low

Max Profit: The exact maximum profit potential cannot be calculated due to the differing expiration cycles used. However, the profit potential can be estimated with the following formula:

Width of call strikes - net debit paid

How to Calculate Breakeven(s): The exact break-even cannot be calculated due to the differing expiration cycles used in the trade. As a rough estimate, the break-even area can be approximated with the following formula:

Long call strike price + net debit paid

Trade approach:
A Poor Man’s Covered Call is a fantastic alternative to trading a covered call. In smaller accounts, this position can be used to replicate a covered call position with much less capital and much less risk than an actual covered call.

The setup of a poor man’s covered call is very important. If we have a bad setup, we can actually set ourselves up to lose money if the trade moves in our direction too fast. To ensure we have a good setup, we check the extrinsic value of our longer dated ITM option. Once we figure that value, we ensure that the near term option we sell is equal to or greater than that amount. The deeper ITM our long option is, the easier this setup is to obtain. We also ensure that the total debit paid is not more than 75% of the width of the strikes.

We never route poor man’s covered calls in volatility instruments. Each expiration acts as its own underlying, so our max loss is not defined.


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#TradingOptions #PoorMansCoveredCalls #PMCC

This video is for entertainment purposes only. I am not a legal or financial expert or have any authority to give legal or financial advice. While all the information in this video is believed to be accurate at the time of its recording, realize this channel and its author makes no express warranty as to the completeness or accuracy, nor can it accept responsibility for errors appearing in this video.

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I watched about 5 different Poor Man's Covered Calls videos. You're was by far, the best one! Too bad I didn't watch your video first....lol. I added you my Subscribed list! Thanks!


You're right that Amazon shares skyrocketed, and in that case, it would have been better to own the shares than to buy "leaps." However, that's not always going to happen (almost never), so I prefer to make many hits rather than aiming for a home run. Thank you for your video.


Best explanation that I've heard and I've been through a bunch. Clear, concise, no extraneous chatter or confusing information or tangents. Well done!


You helped me make my first covered call and I earned $168 with no risk...studying this video today to make my first poor man's covered call. Great job explaining detailed steps!


Super well explained. I have watched several videos about PMCC and this is hands down the best content I have watched. It covers all scenarios, all the what ifs, which others fail to include


Probably the best explanation of PMCC's I've heard, well done Jake! You explain things the way everyone is wanting to hear, straight to the point with great examples, love it! Thanks Jake!


I love this guy. He explains everything ground up with so much clarity, never over the top and doesn’t sound fake, love the little enthusiasm in the beginning of his videos - so natural . ❤


Man I have watched many of these type of videos but this one is the one that really drove it home for me because of the extensive detail to everything. Ty sir subscribed


I think the most important concept here is - "the underlying should be a great company that you have faith in that will grow in the next 2 yrs"


You are the only youtuber I'm learning something from. Keep your good works!


Jake - Can't thank you enough man... the best video and explanation on PMCC. Appreciate it!


You explained it so much better than the last PMCC video I watched. Thank you.


Thanks Jake, this is the best covered call video because you explained the risks and how to handle the risks better clearly


I don't know why Jake stopped making video of this genre. I used to watch all of his trading videos. He had since switched to covering Ukraine-Russia war.


I really appreciate the way you explain the PMCC, you are a great tutor. Thanks


Honestly, you made the best option explanation videos I ever saw. 👍🏼


best ive heard so far. very detailed at endgame situations


Dear Jake great video as always. Given this has happened to me on selling short covered calls, when the price of the stock goes down, the truth is that:

the option will follow down and, you can make very little money ( if at all), if you still want to sell calls outside of the money. In that case in fact none will buy them...
So in order to make money (again) again on the short call sales, you do have to hopw, that the 120US$ gos up to at least the 130US$...


16:19 What I have done before the short call reaches expiration (and assignment) is just close both legs of the position. You sell the LEAPS but with it you sell any remaining extrinsic value (which you would lose with exercising).