The Real Trap of Consumerism

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In this Our Changing Climate climate change video essay, I look at the real trap of consumerism. Specifically, I dive into why consumerism is not actually the real cause of exploitation and the climate crisis, but instead a symptom of capitalism. Capitalist overproduction drives companies and corporations to create false needs and desires, which leads to overconsumption. We need to shift our attention away from consumerism and overconsumption and towards overproduction.



Some visuals courtesy of Getty Images

0:00 - Intro
2:07 - Overconsumption is Everywhere?
6:04 - What's Really Causing These Problems?
9:26 - The Trap of Consumerism
16:26 - How Do We Combat Consumerism?

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🛍How do you combat consumerism and corporations constantly hailing you to buy, buy, buy?


Another side of consumer culture, too, is people buy a lot of stuff to prop up their self-identities -- which I think would be a whole lot less of a problem if people had the time to actually invest in themselves and their interests. Someone who thinks of themselves as an outdoorsy type of person, but who is working themselves to exhaustion and then collapsing in front of a television every night to unwind before bed, is a lot more likely to continually impulse buy a bunch of outdoorsy gear and gimmicky gadgets they'll never use -- just to feel better, to feel like the person they want to be -- than someone who is actually going out camping or kayaking or whatever all the time. And really how much cooler would it be for people to be "producing" and "consuming" stuff like dance lessons, cooking classes, and professional campfire ghost story telling? I think we all understand spending all our time selling people junk so we can afford to pay rent and buy ourselves a little consolation junk is just the most unhappy and uninteresting way we as a society could be using our time.


Minimalism has been so unbelievably freeing for me, found the idea on youtube and then went from there. It makes me so much less anxious to have an uncluttered space, I rarely buy new things, and have so much more time to do things I enjoy


Socrates and friends: ‘Wealth is addictive, the rich will eventually destroy society'. It’s why profits is the deadliest of all addictions.


It's slavery with distraction and some comfort.


I actually HATE shopping. I guess I'm the minority. Accumulation of things is unhealthy and unsustainable. Everything I have and buy serves a purpose, if not I purge it.


Thank you for a great video. I have been fighting consumerism all my adult life (over 25 years!) by not having a car, buying everything I need used / hand-me downs, gifts from fam & friends. We pass on all our things with friends, fam & neighbours when no longer need them. Gift economy is wonderful. When you really ask if something is a need, you start to realize how little a person really needs. Frugal life is sustainable and freeing. We have enough for everyone, just need to see the abundance 🙏


I want to live in a world where we don't have to compromise our values (or our survival as a species) in order to pay our rent.


It has also generated planned obsolescence...


After basic needs are met, increasing your wealth doesn't really impact your happiness, but only AFTER your basic needs have been met. We are able to meet these needs, we simply choose not to.


I watch this channel for a while now and from what I see, I am helping the planet a lot by beeing poor. I drive a 18 year old car, i rarely buy new cloths. I tend to use things till they brake and sometimes i fix them because i can't afford new ones. So yeah being broke and poor does help the planet in some way anyway.


I made a "choice' at the store, but not at the factory. Not at the mineral sourcing mines, not at the oil well, not at the factory farm. A lot of us were just born here with all that stuff already existing. I just try to be moderate about what I buy and use what I already own.


I actually feel uncomfortable when i see bunch of stuffs around. slowly adopting minimalist and frugal living. its better for my mental health since I am not always on shopping apps thinking about the next thing to buy. The world needs more and more people like you.


This is why all ads are unethical and why everyone should do everything possible to prevent being exposed to advertisements. Ublock origin, sponsorblock go a really long way.


It is called an addiction, for people who feel empty inside. Keep it simple and be happy.


Everyone Else: Addicted to spending.
Me: Gluing my shoes back together😂😂


I wish more examinations of consumerism would mention how they're not just whispering in our ear to consume, they're MARKETING and whispering in our ear to compete, to 'other' the 'wrong' brand consumers, and to feel superior over others by making the 'smarter' consumption choices as well. And it's invading all aspects of our lives. I personally believe the proliferation of marketing into all corners of life is the #1 cause of why everyone is so depressed and hollow now. it makes you make a TON of (potentially exhausting) choices, all of which matter extremely little in our day to day life. SO many guys my age (30s-40s) are SO PROUD of their choice of grill or power tool or whatever, while ACTUALLY USING the item is, at best, 1% of their average month.


What they won’t tell you either is that most forms of employment forces you to be a consumer… by being in the game you start enforcing the game.
Best advice I’ve been given is know your humanity… not your worth.


Social media influencers are just another form [of] QVC/Home Shopping Network


I get in the same existential crisis from time to time, trying my best to stay out of the hamster wheel just to realize the system is design force you back into it if you want to exist cause there's no existing outside of the money in order to live hamster wheel
