Rags to Righteous! | Pastor Steven Furtick | Elevation Church

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There’s more God wants to do through you. 

In “Rags to Righteous!” Pastor Steven Furtick explains that God has a plan for every pit stop on the way to your purpose.

Pastor Steven's newest book, Do The New You, is available now for purchase.

0:00 - God Is For You
5:20 - Jeremiah 38
8:20 - Worried About Your Future
11:22 - God Won't Always Agree With You
14:03 - Coming Into Alignment With God
16:12 - Stop Digging!
19:45 - Why Am I Sinking??
23:32 - It Can Still Go Wrong
25:22 - Strong Anointing Means Strong Attacks
27:58 - God, Where Are You?
30:44 - When You Need To Sing
34:53 - Cry Out When You Start To Sink
37:27 - You May Be Sinking BUT...
40:35 - God Is Working In Ways You Can't See
43:50 - The Pit Doesn't Prove God's Absence
45:57 - Maybe This Is Why You're In A Pit
49:46 - Why Are We Stopping Here?
53:20 - For Anyone Who's Waiting For The Ropes
58:30 - Rags To Righteous
1:04:14 - An Opportunity For Salvation
1:07:36 - Brag About Your Rags

Scripture References:
Jeremiah 38, verses 6-13
Matthew 14, verse 30
Proverbs 24, verse 16

Do The New You - Mindset 4: God Is Not Against Me, But He’s In It With Me, Working Through Me, Fighting For Me

#elevationchurch #stevenfurtick #ragstorighteous #protection #guidance #struggle #stability #alignment #attack #value #purpose #DTNY #dothenewyou #mindsets #faith #hope #church

Elevation Worship and Steven Furtick recently released the Praise - EP, which has different versions of the song “Praise” from Elevation Worship’s album “Can You Imagine?” The album has other hit songs like “Trust In God,” “Been So Good,” and “Jehovah.” Also be sure to listen to albums like “LION,” “Old Church Basement,” and more. Elevation Worship is the musical expression of Elevation Church, led by pastor and visionary Steven Furtick. They have been steadily writing, recording, and releasing music since the church was founded more than 15 years ago in Charlotte, N.C. The ministry now has multiple locations throughout the US and Canada.

Rags to Righteous! | Pastor Steven Furtick | Elevation Church
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God is not against me, but he's in it with me, working through me, fighting for me!


My sermon notes for "Rags to Righteous"

1.) Protection is not punishment. Sometimes, what God allows is for alignment. Self-awareness is necessary for growth. He will put you back on track, stop digging

2.) No matter what you face, Jesus is always there. Sometimes, it may not seem like it, but he is there ready to catch you. He is not against you

3.) Strong anointing equally comes with strong attacks and opposition

4.) The pit is the way to your purpose. Sing it when you are sinking. Faith doesn't mean you won't sink. It means you won't stay there.

5.) If God isn't making it happen, maybe he has been telling you not to wait. You have been waiting on the wrong sign

6.) If every demon is against you, God's not done with you. From the pit of every attack of the enemy, keeping singing out God is not against you

7.) In all situations and circumstances, God is not against you. God has all power, and he uses who he wants to use

8.) The palace does not prove God's presence, the pit proves God's absence. God's people will come to lift you up. The rags come before the rope. Here comes the rope, when you're ready


Jesus pulled me out of alcoholism, drug addiction, and just being an all around piece of work, I was on the ICU bed for two weeks straight because of OD …. He pulled me up, told me I was his wipe me clean, gave me a new name and told no more.. I’m not gonna lie it’s not easy, every time my feet hit the floor I’m ecstatic and overwhelmed with just still being on the earth. Thank you Jesus.


While listening in the car, at the end of the sermon when you asked new believers to repeat the prayer of asking God in your heart; my 3 year old raised both of his hands and repeated every single word! Thank you for ministering in a way that speaks to Everyone and All ages!!🙌


IM NOT STUCK UNLESS I STOP ❤ Christ is in me I am enough


God is not against me, he’s in it WITH me. Thank you Jesus. 🙏🏻


I recieve Jesus Christ as my Lord and saviour 🙏🏽


I am suicidal Stephen, but this sermon is really good. I need Jesus to rescue me, I need him so much. Thanks


I really needed to hear this cos my baby will be named Jeremiah cos the devil has fought it but I believe will still preserve my baby in the womb till my due date


I watched it with My Wife today. I felt like he was speaking directly to me. I loved the service.


I'm not stuck unless i stop! Christ is in ME. I am ENOUGH. With God there's ALWAYS A WAY. God is with me.


I've been saved for 24 years now. But I have backslid. Today I rededicate my life! Thank you Lord!


I'm not stuck unless I give up. Amen 🙏🙌


wow... when I saw the title... something I've said to describe my life is is that... throughout my 42 yrs on earth I've gone from rags to ritches & back to even dirtier rags again... I've never cared about things or money... & as bad as we need money right now... the only thought that consumes my mind right now is the fact that I haven't been able to produce enough breast milk to match my 2 month old's level of intake... she's a complete miracle as I was never supposed to have children... & even the doctors said that even if by some MIRACLE ( their words not mine) I'd concieve that the fertilized egg wouldn't attach to my uterus the way it should causing an ectopic pregnancy...

even after PCOD ( or PCOS some refer to it as ) endometriosis & Peri -menopause... @ the age of 41 I delivered a healthy baby girl & turned 42 3 weeks later ( Happy Birthday Abby from a couple birthday girls to another as I'm hearing it's your birthday as I type this ! ) 🥰❣️

idk if I was meant to breastfeed... but circumstances beyond mine & my husband's control caused my daughter to eat more than normal right from the beginning causing my milk supply to not be sufficient enough for her... thus not being into alignment ( funny pastor Furtick is saying that just as I was typing this ) ... so I'm asking God that if I'm still meant to continue to try & breastfeed to give me the supply she needs so that we don't have to supplement w/formula...

pray for us & if anyone needs prayer please reply & we'll be more than happy to pray for y'all as well...



God is not against me, is fighting for me, working through me


I'm not forgotten....no matter how tough it gets, God's not against me.


Here comes the ropes!! 🙏🏼 thank you God for always preparing us before taking us out the pit .Glory to God Amazing word ! 🙏🏼


I really really needed this Word today. I'm in the mud atm. Particularly at work. I work at an Oncology Clinic. It's been really really hard lately. A few coworkers have left and the moral is super low.


God is not against me, he is in it with me, working through me, fighting for me. Thank you Jesus🥺🙏


I am not stuck unless I stop, christ is me I am enough🙏
