Aiya | Youth Speaks Teen Poetry Slam Finals 2019
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Aiya Meilani (IG @aiyapapayaa)
After months of preliminary rounds with over 200 young poets hailing from the SF Bay Area, 12 finalists stepped up to the mic at the Sydney Goldstein Theater on April 6th for a night of spoken word poetry at 2019 Teen Poetry Slam Finals.
Top Scoring Slam Finalists:
•Samuel Getachew, 16 y/o, Oakland (IG @samuelgd)
•Aiya, 19 y/o, San Leando (IG aiyapapayaa)
Aiya Meilani (IG @aiyapapayaa)
After months of preliminary rounds with over 200 young poets hailing from the SF Bay Area, 12 finalists stepped up to the mic at the Sydney Goldstein Theater on April 6th for a night of spoken word poetry at 2019 Teen Poetry Slam Finals.
Top Scoring Slam Finalists:
•Samuel Getachew, 16 y/o, Oakland (IG @samuelgd)
•Aiya, 19 y/o, San Leando (IG aiyapapayaa)