What is the ATNR?

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What is the ATNR? The Asymmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex (ATNR) is present at 18 weeks utero and generally is integrated by 6-7 months of age. The ATNR helps children separate their head and neck movements from their extremity movements.  
When the ATNR is not integrated children may have difficulty with:  
🔹Bilateral coordination 
🔹Visual tracking  
🔹Crossing midline  
Occupational therapy activities that help to integrate the ATNR include:
🔸Bear crawls with ring toss
🔸Cross marches
🔸Rotation to grab toys  

If you think your child needs an evaluation, don’t hesitate to reach out to us!

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What if a baby never has asymetric tonic reflex? My baby doesnt have it. He has hypotonus and cannot cross midline @6 months old. Thats why he cannot roll over and doenst want to be on his side.
