1385 Messianic Prophecies with Rabbi Moshe Shulman

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Scheduled Broadcast ALL TIMES CDT and may not start on time being they are LIVE broadcasts:

9:30 a.m. Let's Get Biblical Q&A (LIVE) Rabbi Tovia Singer
11:30 p.m. Controversial Issues (LIVE) Rabbi Chaim Coffman
12:45 p.m. Debunking Missionary Claims (LIVE) Rabbi Moshe Shulman
7:00 p.m. SINGLE TOPIC recording (Various Rabbis)

8:30 a.m. A Rabbi Cross-Examines the New Testament (LIVE) Rabbi Michael Skobac
12:30 p.m. Biblical Hebrew for Beginners with Joe Mova
__:__ Women's World (LIVE) Julie Taylor and Leah Michaelson (Pending)
7 p.m. TNT (LIVE) Rabbi Stuart Federow

7 p.m. SINGLE TOPIC recording (Various Rabbis)

7 p.m. SINGLE TOPIC recording (Various Rabbis)

7 p.m. SINGLE TOPIC recording (Various Rabbis)

7 p.m. SINGLE TOPIC recording (Various Rabbis)

7 p.m. SINGLE TOPIC recording (Various Rabbis)
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Perhaps my favorite Rabi here. Amazing stuff thanks so much.


Fired because of this channel? What a world we live in.


Toda raba Rabbi Shulman and Wil'Liam for another great lecture!! Very informative!


Thank you so much William and Rabbi's for all your time and public service!


Thank U Rabbi for the great teaching ! Thank u too William for having these great Rabbis on for us !


Good stuff and keep up the truth of what Christians do not understand.


'He was a failed messiah so who cares who his parents are' lol, cracked me up Rabbi.


question please: how is one able to trace their ancestor to King Solomon?


Happy Lag B'Omer Rabbi, thank you guys.


I'm thinking of donating. Even though I live off 800 a month so I would like to know more about why he lost his job over this program. Maybe if slot of us donated monthly he could continue enlightening the christians for his job


I would like to be able to learn with the Rabbi, but his diction is slurred and he speaks too fast. Please ask him to enunciate clearly and slow it down.


1385 Bullseye's 8:20. Isaiah made it pretty simple or should I say praise the Lord for the simplicity

“To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.”


If there is no more death, in the messianic era, then would the person who is the king then, remain the king forever?


Could the end of days potentially have begun during the reign of Hezekiah? If so would the original audience who is informed of the prophecy about Hezekiah in Isa 9:1-7, not be wrong in holding a messianic hope that Isa 11 could possibly occur then under Hezekiah? That Isa 7-11 could have potentially occurred during Hezekiah, but we, after the fact know that only 7-10 occurred then, and 11 did not turn out then?
You said Isaiah knew that the end of days prophecies were a long time off in the future, how do we know this to be so? Thanks


I'm sorry but it's very hard to understand this lecture. The lecturer is not concise and seems distracted. This is not an insult but an observation. Please ask the Rabbis to learn and practice good presentation skills before coming onto the show. Rabbi Scovac is a very good example of a great lecturer.


Behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me: and the Lord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to his temple, even the messenger of the covenant, whom ye delight in: behold, he shall come, saith the LORD of hosts.
Clearly before the great and notable day of the Lord Elijah and that prophet Moses wrote about before the Messianic age open your eyes.. and the messenger of the New covenant if the first one is broken then there needs to be a new covenant before the Messianic age otherwise you cannot enter in.


What is the Mashiach going to do with the rabbis?
Is he going to make them obsolete?
Is he going to turn them into a synagogue of Sataan?
Is he going to turn them against each other?
Or is it it just in the past?
Is the fact that he's a leper scholar going to make them realize that he's not one of them?


The Branch was obviously Zerubbabel Shealtiel.

Isaiah 4:2 NASB20 — On that day the Branch of the LORD will be beautiful and glorious, and the fruit of the earth will be the pride and the beauty of the survivors of Israel.

Isaiah 11:1 NASB20 — Then a shoot will spring from the stem of Jesse, And a Branch from his roots will bear fruit.

Isaiah 60:21 NASB20 — “Then all your people will be righteous; They will possess the land forever, The branch of My planting, The work of My hands, That I may be glorified.

Jeremiah 23:5 NASB20 — “Behold, the days are coming, ” declares the LORD, “When I will raise up for David a righteous Branch; And He will reign as king and act wisely And do justice and righteousness in the land.

Jeremiah 33:15 NASB20 — ‘In those days and at that time I will make a righteous Branch of David sprout; and He shall execute justice and righteousness on the earth.

Zechariah 3:8 NASB20 — ‘Now listen, Joshua, you high priest, you and your friends who are sitting in front of you—indeed they are men who are a sign: for behold, I am going to bring in My servant the Branch.

Zechariah 6:12 NASB20 — “Then say to him, ‘The LORD of armies says this: “Behold, there is a Man whose name is Branch, for He will branch out from where He is; and He will build the temple of the LORD. “Yes, it is He who will build the temple of the LORD, and He who will bear the majesty and sit and rule on His throne. So He will be a priest on His throne, and the counsel of peace will be between the two offices.”’


We he talks about christology Bart presents as early this is a complicated issue. We are presented with the apostle Paul, who has a middle of the road christology but is also Jewish, this was with Paul as soon as he came out of his desert hiatus and met with the pillars (Evyon) and went to Asia minor around 40 AD.

The conflict in the high christology occurs over Luke-Acts and the Gospel of John.
Here is the reason why. Dr. Steve Mason points out that within Luke Acts that 5 points appear to borrow from a manscript Josephus produced around 95 CE (See Mythvision podcast). Moreover David Litwa points out that Marcion, around the turn of the century has a copy of Luke that lacks the birth narrative, which contains one of the points Steve mentions. Marcion, when shown the new luke remarks it has alot of embellishments hus text does not have, inferring the interpolator of Luke raised the christology after 100 CE.
The gospel of John appears to have started as a heavily hellenized signs gospel around the time of the Roman war, but was not widely accepted. Its christology was highish but rather like greek mythology. It later went two rounds of interpolation to create the core of what we would recognize as the Gospel of John, it lack bits of chapter 5, the pericope adulterae and Chapter 21. This text would have been a high christology around the year 95.

So as it stands, if we look at the average presumbed dates of text, then high christology was early, but if we look at high christology elements in those text then its probably later. So recent work agrees with Moshe.

_However_, it needs to be mentioned that the Yeshua movement in earnest was a mystic movement and even as the conservative James leads the Evyon, when these disciples and their followers leave Judea we have a sense from the conflicts in the Pauline epistles that there are practicioners of a high christology. For example one group believes that when Jesus appeared to some disciples (leaving the appearance argument to populist) that this was the second coming promised and that they had entered the kingdom of heaven on earth. The elements of protognosticism were also seen by paul, which eventually promoted Jesus over the Jewish god. While christianity ultimately rejected these beliefs, the reality is that they were filtering the beliefs and stacking elements of high christology into new text or interpolations of old text.

There are two general movements, that which was controlled by James and that which was out of his control, when James was killed nothing really was under any control and there was no central organizing principle for the movement. The issue of prophecy tears both Judaism and the movement as the war ends unfavorably for Judea. The lack of a temple reverent center in the movement opens the door for the belief that Jesus is the new temple. However, if we take all the most attested sayings from all works including the apocrypha, we come up with an answer more like Elaine Pagels. Jesus was teaching of a body-temple were god reveals himself, this is the mysticism found in the
seek, find, marvel, rest sayings. So jesus is not advocating himself as a temple but advocating a purification exaltation of his followers.


I hope you don't mind too much injecting some philosophy in here.
What I find interesenting here when the rabbi are addressing the issues of christianity and messianic Judaism is that while the rabbi's are good at rebuking christian claims they often show rather gaping holes within Judaism.

The first major problem is the change of regime that takes place as David ascends Sauls seat of power. Now i could point out how unpious David is as he appears to have erotic affiars with a prince, running around fighting for the enemy, how he kills 200 men just to desecrate their bodies as a bride price, and so on, but I wont do that. As many scholars have pointed out that while some of the sources for the trilogy of text from Judges to 2 Samuel are the oldest within the Hebrew Bible, moreso even than the Torah, they also point out that these texts are loaded with information about Israelite polytheism, not a little loaded, but heavily loaded.
In fact theophoric names to yah dont really begin to appear till the end of second samuel. This brings into question what was the worship at shiloh. To start off, there was a presentation today on mythvision on Jaco Gerithe concerning when YH## arrived into Israel. He pointed out that the followers of YH## were a plurality of beliefs that came from the south, possibly from midia (Arabia). This change of theophoric name appears about the time david recaptures the Ark and seats it in Jerusalem. If the Yahwist came in after Samuel annointed Saul, then in whose name was Saul annointed in. Again using the description of the tabernacle and Ark as shiloh and comparing this with the ugaritic literature we have to conclude this was El Elyon (i.e. the transition from Elism to Yahwism depicted in Exodous 6 was much later). In fact not only is Samuel a theophoric for El Elyon, but so is the previous high priests name, Eli, and his sons names. So it would appear that David was anointed in the name of the high god of the canaanites, El Elyon. So serious theological questions need to be raised concerning the authenticity of Yahwist association of David with prophesy concerning his descendant kingships. Moreover, some of the prophesy appear anachronistic. The writting of the text from earlier sources as late as the 6th century with more than evident editing.
We can also question the divinity of the annointment ceremony itself, which followe pattens of annointment in Hattata, Ninevha and Asshur.
