Peaceful Moments of Worship

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Peaceful instrumental music
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P.S. - My husband died of bladder cancer in June of last year, my mobile home park closed in October, and I was laid off from my job of 12 years in April.  Through it all, God has wrapped is "arms" around me and has been very true to his Word.  I am in complete and total peace as I wait upon Him and trust Him.  He is my all in all and I am going to be fine.  My future is good (Jer 29:11).  Our lives on earth are not void of trouble.  But each one is opportunity to show God that we trust Him and will wait on Him for direction.  Even in troubles, we can know the joy of our unchanging and loving God.  Thank you Lord for making it possible for us to know and be in fellowship with You.  :)


Hello, My name is Paul. I'm 28. I've had the hardest 2 years of my life. Lost my job, been unemployed this whole time, my health was really bad, depression, anger, fear. I used to be a youth leader at my church years ago but left God. I was saddened and could not feel him anymore. I prayed tonight for my complete healing and depression left me tonight. Tears rolling down my face. I run to you Jesus. He has whispered in my ear that his love hasn't changed. Be healed. Go be great. My message to whom ever is reading this, he says. Go be great.


Listening to worship is the best. How I miss the presence of God. I was foolish to walk away from the Lord and now I'm making my way home to the presence of God.  Please pray for me


Reading the comments is truly a blessing. I read some testimonies and literal tears of joy fill my eyes. GOD IS SO GOOD. Bless his name forever and ever. Let our hearts be filled with thankfulness and praise for the breath he gives to our lungs!


I have failed at almost everything I have done. Even at being a decent christian. It doesn't matter because GOD is turning my failures for good! Now I'm starting to see exactly what he created me for. Love you Lord.


Keep me on my knees Lord. Keep my eyes fixed onto heaven and not on the world


God hasn't and never abandoned anyone who have believed and trusted him for protection. God knows he can join the pieces together the reason he has collected the broken pots... It takes time to join pieces together so continue to trust him to the end and he shall surely join the broken pieces collected to be a new model... So he is today and forevermore... Pick up courage and keep going strong for he is in control over your life. It is too early and so soon to give up in life. Jesus is always there for you and for all who calls on his name... He will always be there for you wherever you want to meet him. God Bless You....


today is 9-23-22, manifold blessings to all. 5yrs ago next month. i had a close friend, 84 and a true frenchman. He had prostate cancer and it had spread through-out his body. He was on his way out. We decided to travel to Canada and sailed to Hawaii 2x and Mexico 2x, along the pacific and charlston S.C. He wanted to go see the Queen Mary down in southern Ca, because he came to America on that ship at 20yrs old with only $300 in his pocket. SO, we went. It brought back many wonderful memories. That was our last trip we took together. My dear french friend died shortly after our travels. His birthday was yesterday, he would have been 89. As he was slowly leaving this world, Peaceful Moments Of Worship is what i played to permeate the atmosphere. Psalm 22:3, says God lives in our praise. My dear friend is no longer suffering, he is asleep awaiting the Resurrection. See you in the morning my friend. Thank you for the timeless, priceless "Gem" of music. Manifold Blessings to all.


I know I found God again today. And he found me too. I wept throughout this time listening, reflecting, seeking, asking, repenting. As the opening tune "God is so good" played, it brought me back to my childhood attending Sunday school and I then saw how I far have journeyed thus far. I am 30, 000 miles away from home, seeking your face. I am so tired, alone, fractured, and I just need you Lord. I claim Exodus 33:13, unless your presence goes with me, please do not bring me to that place. And I recommit my life to you Lord, Amen. We are in this together. Thank you Jesus, for being ever being so kind, merciful and faithful to me.


Thank you LORD for fine Christian musicians that bring joy and peace into the lives of Your children. Music and songs of praise and worship that calm and bless the souls of your children.


Let us pray for each other. We are all wounded souls. I hug all of you in the name of our faithful God.


my name is Julia, i am 11 years old and my dad, 49, just passed away a few weeks ago. I turned away from God and thought that it was His fault. My mom is still encouraging me to read the bible. Suffering with depression does not help. To all the people who are having hard times just to let you know, God is there with you all the way and will help you through anything. If you pray to love more people instead of hating people, do you think he will give you love, or the opportunity to love? Think about it.


My Mom was murdered in November by her boyfriend... my grandmother is in a coma... and a woman I was madly in love with during that time that was helping me cope told me she didn't love me.. Wow.. I recently gave my life to Christ and I listen to this and I just cry to the Lord to take this pain because I am truly truly truly suffering. Tears fall down my face often. But I kno the Lord will make this make sense to me. Amen


i was lost..but he found me!! am not he one who chose him but he chose me and forgive me.. for HIS mercy and grace are forever and ever amen... i love you lord.. i wish i would worship you those lost days.. but i pray everyday that you forvive me for my blindness and i thanks you that i see now.. and pray that you find many more of your folks all over the word.. amen


Father, my God, thank you for loving me.


Hey you.. who see this: You’re beautiful, and never give up your dreams, you are in this world for a reason


Hey Everyone I am Eddie Cosme. I am a 16 year old guy who has accepted Jesus Christ as my personal savior. I am called to be a Missionary to Asia and I am asking for prayers from all of you and I am listening to this music while I pray for everyone I know and everyone who is listening to this music and I am touched and blessed by this music and by God all the time.


Read this prayer in silence.      Thank You Lord for everything You have done for me. Forgive me of all my sins.  Heal me from the hurts from my past.  I Love You and need You.  Cover me with Your precious and Holy Blood, my family, my friends, my life projects.  Give me Your Dreams Lord, Bless and protect everyone that seeks You, needs You and Believes in You.  If you Love God and you are not ashamed of Him, put this on your wall for a day and you will see what He will do for you.    Amen


Dearest Friends, we should never forget how much God truly loves us.We are all sinners, no one is perfect yet God will never turn His back on us if we ask to be forgiven and want to start over again.God is love. Love is patient, love is kind, love doesn"t judge, love is real.God is love.


Reading these comments is like an introduction into heaven. Imagine what that day will be like as we stand together, praising and thanking Almighty God. All of our hurts are gone. We will really understand what love really is. If the world could only grasp a little of how much he loves us. O LORD, how I pray that we would put words into action so that the world could see Your amazing love. Holy Spirit, I pray for revival and I ask that it start in our hearts, for all the world to see and hear.
