Can I have 100% assurance of salvation?

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"Can I have 100% assurance of salvation? What if I doubt my salvation?"
Dr. Thomas Schreiner answers in Honest Answers | Episode 4

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Absolutely you can and he gives us evidence of such assurance, my favorite is discipline. He scourge everyone whom He receives. I have no doubt I am saved!


I think his answer to this question is a different context than what people are expecting. He seems to be answering whether people can maintain 100% assurance, in other words, can they reach a point where they will never have any doubts. And his answer is "probably not, circumstances may always interject doubts at various points in someone's life." But the question is more accurately whether or not anyone could EVER know with 100% certainty that they are saved, and the answer to that should be "yes".


Comforting to know we can still be saved even if Satan is tempting us with doubts sometimes. If we are believing in Jesus’ AMAZING sacrifice OF LOVE for each one of us, for forgiveness of sins, and we accept this gift of eternal life and turn away from doing sin but instead practice righteous as taught in the Bible, we are saved❣️


Grace through faith not of of works least any man should boast


This is a fine, if somewhat complex answer. I think the answer is actually more simple:

Those who continue in him can have biblical confidence and assurance of salvation.

"If indeed you continue in the faith, stable and steadfast, not shifting from the hope of the gospel. Col 1:23. "The one who endures to the end will be saved." Matthew 13. So what does it mean to continue? A truly humble, repentant heart before the Lord and a sincere desire to honor and serve him, demonstrated in actions. "Faith apart from works is dead." James 2:26. On the other hand, one cannot claim biblical assurance if the are not continuing in Him, no matter how many Calvinist preachers you quote.


This was wonderful and very helpful! Thank you, God bless you


It's called the virtue of hope.

After denying the Council of Trent he then, basically, repeats the substance of what Trent says-- that we can have assurance that God will be faithful, but we ourselves must correspond to God's grace and truth, and of THAT we have no assurance, barring a special revelation from God-- but he doesn't acknowledge that he's affirming the substance of this particular teaching from Trent. A sign that a position is correct is that even one's opponents unawares come to assume that position. Such is the case from this Catholic teaching from Trent, among other Catholic teachings which many Protestants implicitly and unawaringly assume to be true but without acknowledging this to be the case. All this points to the fact that the Catholic Church, being the Church founded by Christ, does not err when she defines doctrine.


Wow! This really fleshed out already what I have thought about on the issue. It’s amazing how God works in doing that :-)


I think that there are two aspects to this question, objective assurance and subjective assurance. The Bible gives us reasons to have 100% objective assurance. What I think the speaker is talking about here is subjective assurance, how confident we are in our own minds that we can claim the biblical promises for ourselves. I think that for most people (maybe all of us, if we are truly honest with ourselves) our subjective assurance may vary from day to day. We are like the father in Mark 9 who calls out "I believe. Help my unbelief."


Good morning, to all the beautiful people of Jesus Christ I want to thank Honest Answer for sharing all this faith insurance as a boost to our education in the teaching and sharing of the gospel of peace. They that watered shall be watered Proverbs 11:25.


100% assurance can be called "guarantee:' Does Bible use the word "guarantee" in any of God's promises then it is 100%. Glory to God, God does use the word "guarantee".
"Now it is God who makes both us and you stand firm in Christ. He anointed us, set his seal of ownership on us, and put his Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come." 2 Cor 1: 21


"Examining ourselves" does play a role as the Bible says: "Examine yourselves, to see whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Or do you not realize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you?—unless indeed you fail to meet the test! 2 Cor. 13:5


Tom, I very much appreciate your thoughts. In recent years, I’ve been giving much time to thinking about how the Church has understood 1John 5:13 as well as 2 Cor. 13:5 from the days of Clement and Ignatius all the way to the present. May God bless you, my brother.


I really appreciate you guys responsibly dividing the word of God.
We have to persevere to the end. I certainly get assurance by understanding exactly what ALL of scripture is saying to us. But he has promised. And I shall call on his name. I will examine myself. I tremble at his word, and keep my hand to the plow. Strive for righteousness that only comes from him and confess my sins, because we have an intercessor with the father and he is faithful to forgive.
After all, if you destroy me into sheol oh God then who sing your praises?


In 2 Cor. 13:5 Paul issues the imperative command to those who professed faith to examine theirselves as to whether they truly are in the faith


100% assurance comes from KNOWING that THE LORD GOD does not lie.


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Man, these "Honest Answer" videos are great. Let's check out this one, should be pretty short and simple [abrupt record skip]. Wait, what the? Huh? [Pulls off mask revealing John Calvin] "And I would have gotten away with it if it weren't for you meddling kids!" Martin, I thought we didn't invite him!?!


I wish Dr. Schreiner was the one replying to our comments but I'll add mine anyway:
I like the illustration of the tricycle but I'm not sure we should make the witness of the Spirit [Romans 8:16] the 3rd wheel. If a Pentecostal claims a personal experience of faith, yet I don't share it, am I not saved? Or, if I can claim an event in my life of a "personal witness" of the Spirit, confirming I'm a child of God, but you have no such event, do you doubt your salvation?
I'd prefer the use an illustration of a bicycle and make "the Witness of the Spirit" the training wheels that are always there, but rarely need to be leaned upon, because "riding by faith" only requires the two main wheels.


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