15 Unworthy Marvel Characters Who Lifted Mjolnir

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One of the most epic moments in the whole MCU so far has been when Captain America wielded Thor’s Mjolnir during the climactic battle in Avengers: Endgame. While Steve Rogers was worthy of carrying Thor’s hammer, the world of Marvel comics have featured numerous characters who should have never been allowed to lift the powerful weapon. From continity to plain out cheating to hold the Mjolnir -- let’s take a look at all those who got their hands on the hammer but were definitely unworthy. The Merc with a Mouth is violent, arrogant, and pretty does whatever he wants. He doesn’t exactly fill the criteria for the role of being worthy of wielding the Mjolnir in any shape or form. It would have been a big insult to show him on the big screen with Thor’s hammer, but everything seems pretty fair game in the comics. Take, for example, Deadpool #37. In the issue, Deadpool spends multiple panels with Loki before the God of Mischief decides to gift him with the Mjolnir. Black Widow has been through thick and thin with her fellow Avengers. She was there by Tony Stark’s side before the Avengers were even a thing. In Avengers: Age of Ultron, she didn’t even try to lift Thor’s hammer -- probably because she knew that no matter what happened, there was far too much red on her ledger to ever make her worthy.

And on the flip-side, when you’re done with this, hop on over to our friends at CBR to check out their list of characters who have lifted the hammers and ARE worthy to use Thor’s signature weapon!

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Deadpool lifting Mjolnir wouldn't surprise me. He's meant to be an illogical character, so why would he follow its rules?


It wasn't because Vision was an android. It was because of JARVIS, whose primary function was to protect and preserve life. And it was epic when he casually handed Thor his own hammer. It reaffirmed that he was the protector that Stark had intended all along. BTW, Deadpool has some serious hammer envy.


I've noticed that there's a lot of mentions of characters not being worthy because of bloody pasts, but I don't think that actually matters. Thor has a *very* bloody history, and yet it's his signature weapon.


Technically Deadpool could wield the hammer with his 4th wall breaking ability, like convincing the writers and artists to give him mjolnir.


Deadpool would lift the hammer and say “It’s just a prop”


So firstly, black widow didn’t choose to be an assassin. Secondly, she does nothing but selfless acts throughout the series. She doesn’t try to lift the hammer because she believes that she cannot. The hammer knows she can, however.


Black Widow was definitely worthy to wield Mjolnir in Endgame. The criteria for “worthiness” seems to be willingness to sacrifice yourself for others. She did exactly that when she went with Clint to get the soul stone.


"don't expect to see the pet avengers on the big screen any time soon..."

Oh, Loki gator....


"15 characters who lifted mjolnir"
first character: *dosent actually lift mjolnir*
am i a joke to you?


Mjolnor: That sign doesn’t stop me because I can’t read


I absolutely disagree with the premise that vision could hold Thor’s hammer because he wasn’t alive and that it was a gag. Not only has Foggy himself say that vision was worthy to lift the hammer but that was the purpose of that scene. They didn’t know if vision was a threat or not and the fact he could lift Thor’s hammer proved to the team he was an ally. Otherwise the fact he lifted the hammer wouldn’t have relieved the tension of the situation.

The conversation they had with Thor afterwards was more of them jokingly stroking his ego by suggesting that maybe he could hold the hammer because he wasn’t alive. Like if the hammer was in an elevator would that make the elevator worthy etc etc. But that conversation wasn’t meant to state that vision wasn’t worthy because he wasn’t alive.


Most of these are technically bogus. your past has nothing to do with the worthiness in which Mjölnir chooses. but chooses based on intend and purpose.


just because black widow has killed doesn't make her unworthy. We literally see Thor smash someone into pieces but he can still wield it just fine


15 unworthy *MARVEL* characters.

*Proceeds to show Superman*


"We won't see pet avengers on the big screen anytime soon"

Loki: "are you sure about that?"


Vision did not "use a loophole".
They did not show Ultron holding it, or any other machines.
Vision has a "soul" though, and the witch plays on that (but she could not do those things to Ultron, b/c he was sentient w/o a "soul")
Vision's role seems to point to Vision being worthy.


MCU character who lifted the hammer
Captain America
And an elevator


Vision holding the hammer wasn’t a loophole or a gag. He was deemed worthy for the life-affirming monologue he delivered just prior to lifting it, contransting himself with Ultron.


Based on the android logic, Ultron would be able to lift the hammer. I think it was because Jarvis/Vision wants to protect life and people without anything remotely immoral in his head is why he could pick it up.


Screen Rant: "These guys have lifted Mjolnir"
Also Screen Rant: "The very first entry on this list is a lie and it actually wasn't Mjolnir!"

