Family Health Webinar Series: Help and Hope for Postpartum Depression

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The Partnership Center’s “Postpartum Depression: Help, Hope, and Healing” webinar will be the third installment in our Family Health educational series, and is squarely at the intersection of women’s health and mental health.

“Is it my fault that I’m experiencing these thoughts and feelings?” “Am I a bad mother?” “Why don’t I feel connected to my baby?” Questions like these and others often plague mothers in the weeks, months, and even years following childbirth, and can be signs of postpartum depression (PPD).

However, PPD is not a sign of weakness or of moral failure. Your OB/GYN or a mental health practitioner can help.

With up to 13 percent of mothers nationwide experiencing the effects of PPD, this webinar seeks to offer help, hope, and pathways to healing for women. We also include helpful information for faith communities on how to care well for mothers in their midst.

Reserve your spot today to hear two of the nation’s top health experts about:
• Postpartum depression,
• Leading treatments,
• Consequences of avoiding treatment, and
• Information for faith communities, which want to help mothers in need.

* Dorothy Fink, MD, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Women’s Health and Director of the Office on Women’s Health at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

* Leslie Walker, MD, DFAPA, Psychiatrist in Private Practice and Clinical Instructor at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine
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