BUY Legendary Weapons & Named Followers - OBOLUS Traders in Age of War | Conan Exiles

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A guide to Obolus Traders in Age of War of Conan Exiles. Despite all the changes in the new Age, Obolus Traders are here to stay so you can still buy Legendary Weapons & Named Followers! Learn about how to get Ancient Obolus and which Traders sell useful items and Followers.

0:00 - How to get Obolus
2:46 - Obolus Traders
2:51 - Slave Trader: Named Followers
3:06 - Legendary Weapon Traders
3:21 - Black Blood Tools Trader
3:32 - Supply Material Trader
3:46 - Ophidian Magi’s Cache Traders
4:08 - Master Crafter Huang: Golem Parts

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🚩Obolus Traders have been removed with Chapter 2 of Age of War. Only the Golem Trainer and the 2 traders that accept Blood Crystals or Kurak's Head remain at the Spire.


Thank you for making this. I was very confused on how to get them now.


So, as predominantly IoS player, I guess I'm out of luck, again. Also, since they removed Khitan Caravans (not too sad though, those Khitan mercs often joined fights when I tried to clear the cam they were close to camp, not to mention it was a bit strange from immersion prespective - I mean, they literally camped next to settlement with their "quarry" and waited for us to bring it to them for payment, also local inhabitants were perfectly fine with their presence), that means that every new thing added with chapter 2 of AoS was only temporal...


This Age feels like such a huge step back instead of an improvement, imo.

It feels like we lost more than we gained.


If they continue to treat siptah like that, they'll have to bring back character transfers.
It wouldn't suprise me if the purge changes with treasure and the sieges would be Exiled Lands exclusive.


No confusion with the new banner! Solid video!!


Great video, Siptah is pretty damn tough. I guess it's going to stay that way.


Thank the heavens I been searching for a trader 4 blood crystals all day no sleep my frustration shot up. No one knows where or if they do its completely gone n didnt know where the last one is. I thought it was stupid to have blood crystals if u removed everything attached to it. I'm so appreciative I'm gonna subscribe


I play on a local server (it seems it is always online because of the battlepass). The NPC cost 200 Obulus, the traderpost is near "the dreg", there are 3 NPCs for sacrifice (together 150 coins)


Wait a second, you mean to tell me that two traders are selling 8 weapons and literally only two weapons are agility based? Draggers and an Agility 2H sword. Why couldn't they just do 4 Str and 4 Agi?


Bring back sorcery age much much better😢 and because i missed it 😢😢😢


Thank you sir bc i finding 2 days obulus merchants (for named workers) on Siptah. Its really stupid if we dont have them here 🤬. This age is stupid, nothing new just removed good things and reworked old good working things. Im really disapointed about this age - its a big s**t 🤬


I knew all the stuff they do be focused on the bazaars and the battle pass. That's what's eating up production and resources. I hope they get their minds together and find these issues out. Also weapin durability makes legendary weapons great however very sad to just know it's going to be lost at some point or just a wall ornament i will probably talk to the weapon remembering the good times.


We still get Sorcerers Skull much like the notes. Useless apparently. Might have to make a Pippi trader for those to something


Okay, now, i still have a few questions about this update, mostly just out of curiosity;
What happened with Mek-Kamoses lorewise? I'm missing out... And who is the Set religion trainer now?
And what use we have of the sorcerous skulls now?


Funcom needs to show more love for Siptah. They charged for it which was a stupid move in the first place but they can't just forget about it. I honestly think the best course of action would be to make SIptah free for everyone and give people crom coins equal to Siptahs price for the inconvenience. That was the people who purchased it don't get screwed over and we get more people playing on it so they can justify updating it properly with these updates.


I have added traders on Siptah at the Castaway camp, but I have noticed that our Exiled lands and Savage Wild Servers are much more popular. It is almost like Funcom realized what a huge mistake Siptah was and are now hoping it will just fade into obscurity.


I just returned to Exiles after playing Siptah for the Age of Sorcery. Do you have an In Depth video for the locations of those Traders and how to obtain what’s needed for Exiles?


I sure do miss my repair grindstones.
They used to be one of the first things I set up when I moved to a new location.
Now they aren't worth jack sh*t. Thanks, Funcom! >=(


So why didn't the idiots at funcom take sorcerer skulls out of the game? Sorcerers still drop so why if we can't do anything with them?
