How I Make $50/Hour Freelance Programming on Upwork!

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Four pieces of advice: 
1. Never do work for free (even so-called 'tests'). In my experience, the clients who pay the most are usually the easiest to work with, because they understand the value that you bring to the table. It's usually the stingy clients who try to sneak in more work for the same price. Avoid those.
2. Check the employer feedback from other freelancers. It will give you a good idea of what kind of client they're gonna be. If one freelancer says the client is a dick, take it with a grain of salt, but if more than 2 have unfavourable things to say about the client then alarm bells should start ringing.
3. Don't do the time-tracker thing. I find it quite intrusive and shows that the client doesn't trust that you'll log the hours truthfully. Also, just because you're not on your computer coding, doesn't mean you're not working on the project. If a client insists on using time-tracker, then it's not gonna be a good fit.
4. On sites like Upwork you live and die by your reputation. A difficult client might give you a bad rating and that can make your life VERY difficult, especially when you're just starting out and you don't have many reviews. I've been screwed over by clients. Trust me, people don't even look at you if you have a rating under 80 - 90%

Remember, clients need you as much as you need them.


This is absolutely the best video I've seen. I tried Upwork and struggled wondering why the hell the site even existed. I had graphic design and logo skills in Photoshop, Illustrator, etc, yet still struggled to find work out there. I never once got a reply for a project and figured the site was too good to be true. I thought about trying Fiverr but my experience with Upwork and frankly my failure detoured me from ever making another "freelance" commitment. Thank you so much, this video has given me the understanding of why I failed, a deeper understanding on why I wouldn't want to try again, but strangely also the courage to try again. Thank you. Sage advice.


I did freelancing for a bit but it was a little different. I had a friend who worked for a big company and he would advertise his name on these sites and then he would give the work to me to complete and we would split the money. This route might help with people that just want to do the coding and not the marketing part.


Also, NEVER start work until a contract is signed and/or you have an initial deposit on payment. I agree with Nick that it’s a pain in the ass to do business this way and if you’re good at this or enjoy it, you wind up contracting out the development work or getting a full-time job or gig where you don’t have to stress about finding new clients and making contracts and managing payments, etc.


Been checking out your leetcode videos and have found them useful for getting prepared for job interviews. Thanks so much man!


Same day dental was my favorite Upwork client. Real class act, that guy was.


I just got started on Upwork. Took a while to set up my account and apply to jobs but finally got my first gig!


This is probably the best video you’ve made thus far, real helpful, thanks! 🙂


NICK! I love the new format! You’re great at this kind of content! Keep it up! You’re a great guy!


Best video on freelance. Most youtubers don't show scammers, business and marketing aspects.


I feel it’s easier to get into a industry contract role and get paid $50-$70/hr without dealing with unreasonable clients. With freelance I’ve mostly come across people want to build Facebook and Amazon for $5000 budget(similar to your LinkedIn joke about dad promising his friend about you building an app for $500).


I thought about freelancing with web dev many times, but since I have social anxiety I don't think I'll be successful.


If you live in an area with a decent economy, you can also call local web agencies or companies and do freelance work for the companies. Usually more reliable work for better pay.
If you really care about this, investing in a decent website and/or blog can help you out a lot. You can also find a way to be a part of a local tech or business scene and get connections to find projects you can join or contract for, etc.


great video! I am new to programming rn .and just trying to learn and practice as much as I can.


The secret to succesful freelancing is actually doing it!


If you got in on these early and have 100, 000 friends on social media, then yes, it's easy to make money on these systems. If you're just starting out and don't have at least 1000 friends on SM, you won't even get view traffic. It's the nature of the beast.


Nice video, man.
You opened my eyes!


Best tips on YouTube! Thanks, keep it up.


That feel when you getting $20/h but working 4h instead of 8h.
So I was getting $40/h but no one know that


Hey nick, love your videos man! I have a question: aren’t you worried about being spammed by proving your personal information so publically? Are there any softwares that would stop people or bots from constantly harassing a creator?
