Men are sometimes way smarter than women in relationships

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If i couldn't be honest with my wife when shes wrong or when I thought she was wrong she wouldn't be my wife. Honesty is #1 in a relationship, not feelings


Its not about being smarter it's about being an adult about it. Sometimes things are not worth arguing about.


Beware the man that no longer cares about being happy.


Men pick our fights. Women pick fights.


Beyond true. Sometimes, it's not about happiness in the end. Do the right thing.


There's another side to that approach. If that's the nature of your relationship, then you're pandering super hard and that's gonna lead to more trouble. You've got to strike s balance or you'll end up having a super entitled partner, who acts like an adult-child.


It's funny how true this statement is. I just exhale, smile, and agree haha 😅


I have a female friend who is very outspoken about her opinions whether you asked or not and whether it will help you or not. So one day I decided I'll give her a taste of her own medicine and naturally she got offended. It went from out of pocket insults she didn't realize she was doing to waiting for you to do something so she can belittle you for it in front of people. See I can destroy her at her own game but I chose not to...instead I kept my mouth shut and ignored all her instigating to the point we are no longer yes indeed men do know how to pick our this day she still doesn't know why I ghosted her and our mutual friends keep trying to find out why


" Do you want to have peace or do you want to be right?" This is legit guy advice I got, SOMETIMES guys do talk to each other about things but we still keep it simple. As soon as my brother asked me this I understood. I was fighting so much because I wanted to be right. I still do. I still think it's important for truth and logic to be the thing deciding the world... buuut I also get that thing have levels of importance. Just because she's wrong doesn't mean I have to point it out, or anyone for that matter. Sometimes consequences are better teacher than I could ever be. I just also will be waiting with support and the tools to pick up the pieces.


If she is constantly starting arguments, there is a 3rd calculation a good man will make aside from: 1) is this argument worth it? and 2) is being right worth it? That 3rd calculation will be: is this relationship worth it? If he is a good man who knows his value, he will decide to move on. She can take her need to be right and make someone else’s life miserable. Life is too short to be with a woman like that.


Almost zero arguments women bring up aren't worth arguing about.


Very true. We don't want to waste our emotions on trivial stuff.


Literally the first thing you learn when you start dating as a dude is to pick your battles bc she’ll throw 3-4 at you a day and 99% of the time it’s something so insignificant. And since, in my experience at least, they don’t know how to admit they were wrong it’s usually much easier to just let them think they’re right and move on


Gotta think three moves ahead before proceeding 😂


I had a female friend that would decide what was right, what was the ‘truth’, irrespective of whether it was true or not. She would argue that black was white if given the chance.

I’m permanently done with women, outside of family.


On principle I care more about correct conclusions than I do about being right. I won't admit I'm wrong if I am not wrong and I won't fight a fight that isn't worth my time.


🐱👈"let the wookie win"
The clever thing to do before you are committed to to pick an argument just to see HOW petty she behaves after it, particularlyif she is actually wrong.
THIS is a 🇨🇳👈🐱red flag.


I do all that, then argue anyways because I'm bullheaded when I know I'm right.


We can be right or we can be dead right.


One of those red flags that give a blueprint for the rest of the relationship. I have read recent University studies that prove mens 'Logical' or 'Practical' Intelligence is a social construct created solely by men to try &prove women are capable of being wrong. But men can't really justify that because women are of course never wrong. Thier Emotional Intelligence makes sure of that. So a woman who is right Will stay on point in argument till you're grovelling for forgiveness. When she's wrong she'll get angry At your tone, she'll pick something in your argument that she can take offence at &lose her temper, she'll keep interrupting you to derail your logical chain of thought processes &piss you off, now your grumpy, no longer calm & playing her game where she's the master of emotional arguments. Personal experience over 58 yrs here 2 marriages 17 & 14 yrs, 3 longer term girlfriends so I know the turf. Walk away from women who can never be wrong, who can't laugh at themselves & surrender a point. Who turn any disagreement into an emotional fight because you'll always be expected to grovel & apologize for upsetting her. 👠🤔
