This Pyramid Changes The Entire History - Gunung Padang

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Graham Hancock has been saying this for decades. That there is at least one civilization that appears to have been able to travel around the planet pre 5000BC. Not only that but it appears to be that this civilization had technology which allowed them to create these Monoliths all around the globe. It appears to be that a meteor hit the earth and wiped them out. Graham Hancock and Randall Carlson deserve so much credit for this. They were laughed at by almost all the archeologists but it is clear that Graham and Carlson will have the last laugh on this one.


I live in Mexico where there is a similar Pyramid in Cholula, Puebla, which has several layers on top of each other from many different times and cultures, and its shpaed similarly to this one. It was once called the largest pyramid in the world until someone found a taller one on Russian soil. You can definitely still find lots of buried pyramids all over the world these days. In mexico is commonplace to watch pyramidal hills all over the landscape from many different cultures and you can even visit some formerly submerged territories whit archeological sites upon them. To me, this ancient and lost civilizatiosn are far more interesting than anything else. Too bad Mexico's current government is thrashing down every ancient stuff because their ignorance. Thanks for sharing.


I don't understand how there's many archeologists that are so close minded because of the narrative thats already put in place of our history, and because of their beliefs. Isn't the point of archeology to study human history? Isn't the point of discovering something new you don't understand to do whatever you can to understand it? Close minded scientist and archeologist like that are depriving us OUR knowledge of OUR ancestors, knowledge that I believe would help us in our current time. These people were far more advanced spiritually, understood our planet and the cosmos far more than we can imagine. Limiting our knowledge of our own history just because you think it's not possible, is absolutely absurd and should be a crime. Knowledge of our past should be a human right. I've always wanted to be archeologist when I was younger, but I found out early on that what I was interested in (ancient civilizations) is something thats frown upon in the archeological world, that I would be limited in what I could do, that its nearly impossible to research because the government and other worldly leaders do not want us to find out the truth... but what's the truth? What do they know? It just makes me more curious. Every time I see new videos like this, my passion for it comes back. My soul gets so excited, like it remembers, it's like all of us in some way have that knowledge deep inside of us, it goes beyond science, its a feeling I can't explain. I'm so glad I have channels like this to look forward to. I'm glad I'm not the only one who's open minded enough to think that what we were taught is not always what's real. Trust your intuition.


Yes completely agree with all of this. I live in Indonesia and will be going to Gunung Padang. Scientific core samples of soil and ice from different locations around the world show and prove several great floods over the last 50, 000 years.


Masha Allah
Saya mendapat informasi detail gunung Padang justru dari kanal luar
Kanal lokal melulu membahas tentang kisah mistik alih-alih informasi terkait gunung Padang


Indonesian government now stopped Gunung Padang research. They just focused to build toll highway, airport and etc, thats why.


the book "out of place artifacts" that came out in the 50's pretty much proved it for me and most people i knew. it is so unfathomable to me that going from that book to all that has been exposed since then, we allow those that have authority over the past to continue placing the first human civilization in sumer 6, 000 yrs ago. when the book came out it was on every news station, tv interview show, (like 60 min.), and was on the best seller list for a long time. it is this type of expression that leads many of my generation to believe we are being controlled, by mass brain washing. even though the powers that be tried to convince my generation the murder of jfk wasn't a conspiracy, we believed it was for the same reason we had no problem believing 9/11 was an inside event. we simply knew how impossible it would be with the billions of dollars spent for intelligence at home and abroad for events like those to have occurred without the cooperation of the government. we have known for many decades this country and it's freedoms are an illusion.


In Java, Indonesia, there are three very unique "temples" that many claim it as Hindu's temples, but some strongly believe those exist very long long older before Hindu's age in Indonesia, because the carvings on the wall of the temples show something "impossible": the interaction among various people from Native Americans, Jews, Romans, Summerian, along with the ancestors of Java people themself. The temples call Sukuh Temple & Cetho Temple (located in Central Java province) and Penataran Temple (in East Java province). Perhaps this channel can make the review about them?


I have been to Gunung Padang. It's amazing but nothing like the fantasy image used here. The photos are correct. I believe it is correct that the oldest part (that cannot be seen) is 28, 000 years old.

It's not a pyramid. It's not a castle. It's steps and terraces on a mountain. Probably a place of worship. It's only the top that is built in layers. And 5 terraces. The hill is surrounded by five mountains. Unfortunately the archeological research has still been stopped and forbidden. Sad. It's not about money.

Humans have been around for about 2 million years, so no serious historian would claim that there were no human cultures before 28, 000 years. We already know that the Denisovans had advanced technology 40, 000 years ago.
Great video!


This is absolutely the best documentary on ancient structures ever produced.
Everyone on the planet should watch it.


The tectonic plates have moved so much over the last 100's of millions of years, i think it quite plausible previous intelligent advanced empires etc could have existed tbh


They should have continued their research about the place. I'm from the Philippines and knowing that a pyramid built by an ancient civilization in southeast Asia existed is so amazing. I wish they would continue this Gunung Padang project.


Netflix also has a documentary about this topic: 'ancient apocalypse' I've watched the first 2 episodes already and it's really interesting!


Saya dari Indonesia.
Memang di duga situs tersebut di bangun oleh bangsa Lemuria/Mu.
Sampai saat ini, situs tersebut juga masih dalam perdebatan di antara para ilmuan di Indonesia. Karena ijin eskavasi besar besaran masih belum di setujui oleh pihak pemerintah Indonesia dan di khawatirkan apabila di laksanakan eskavasi besar besaran, justru akan merusak situs tersebut. Jadi masih belum menemukan kesepakatan di antara para ilmuan dan pihak pemerintah Indonesia.
Masyarakat Indonesia selanjutnya akan menaruh harapan kepada calon Presiden Indonesia 2024 mendatang, untuk bisa kembali membuka eskavasi besar besaran dan memberikan dana anggaran yang cukup untuk proses eskavasi sampai selesai.
Dan sebagai tambahan, di dalam perairan laut Papua yang berada di bagian timur Indonesia juga telah di temukan struktur bangunan tembok raksasa yang sangat tinggi.
Terima Kasih telah membahas situs Gunung Padang Indonesia.


I recently returned from Gunung Padang, what an amazing experience!


I heavily admire the indonesian government in supporting the expedition, the attention they gave as well as the expense they provide for the researchers.


Great to see that Gunung Padang is getting more coverage! This is definitely a "narrative breaker". 😀


What amazes me is some of the blocks were 20, 000 years old and others were 5, 000 years old. That means that an empire or civilization was there for 15, 000 years...


I'm absolutely convinced that we have no idea what our true history is. I've been aware of this site for quite sometime now. Well done 👏👏👏 Please, keep up the good work.


I have been a land surveyor since before I was a teen because my father founded our land surveying business in 1962, and I was born in 1963. I have found thousands of land surveying monuments. They are usually set at the surface of the ground, and a monument that was set 100 years ago is usually found about 1 foot down. That is due to the accumulation of debris that eventually turns into soil. When you compare a picture of a 100-year-old house to a current picture, you see that the lawn is about 1 foot higher. A structure that is buried about 10 feet is usually about 1, 000 years old. Therefore, it is possible to determine the approximate age of a structure by how deeply it is buried.
