Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell addresses interest rates - 3/22 (FULL LIVE STREAM)

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Join Washington Post reporters as Jerome H. Powell, the chair of the Federal Reserve, holds a news conference after the central bank announced an update on interest rates. The Fed has hiked interest rates eight times over the last year in an effort to quell inflation, which reached a 40-year high in 2022. The Fed was expected to raise interest rates again this week. But its approach to fighting inflation now faces major headwinds: a meltdown in the banking system, emergency government interventions and shaken confidence about where the economy is headed. Powell and his colleagues were charged with deciding how — and whether — to adapt interest rate policy, which influences credit card, mortgage and car loan rates.

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Several of the biggest market experts have been voicing their opinions on exactly how awful they think the next downturn would be, and how far equities may have to go, as recession draws closer and inflation continues.. well above the Fed's 2% objective. I'm trying to build a portfolio of at least $850k by the time I'm 60. I need suggestions on what investments to make..


Given the current economic difficulties that the country is experiencing in 2023, how can we enhance our earnings during this period of adjustment? I cannot let my $680k savings vanish after putting in so much effort to accumulate them.


I just ran on my bank and got all my funny money out for gold. I'm done with their ponzinomics. Don't trust them, their banks or the dollar at all. BTC and Gold from here on out for me.


" Give a man a gun, he can rob a bank. Give a man a bank, he can rob the world "


1:24:49 Great question from Rachel Siegel regarding concerns about commercial real estate assets. It would have been better, however, had she drawn the analogy to Signature Bank instead of Silicon Valley Bank to elicit a more direct response from Chairman Powell. Silicon Valley's failures were a result of unhedged interest rate spread (in addition to the bank run) whereas Signature Bank had a large and concentrated commercial real estate portfolio. To highlight that point, Signature's CRE assets were excluded from the NY Community Bank purchase (I suspect for good reason).


Papa Powell is a pretty good liar. Reads the script, and uses feel good language like a good boy


Heavenly Father I pray that you keep the person reading this Alive, Safe, Healthy, and financially blessed….Amen 🫶❤️


Once the price goes up, they don't bring it down....


Powell says he has a long way to go and there are questions about rate decreases this year. What will it take to change their delusional stance of the Fed pivoting anytime soon ?


Questions: why does the fed shoot for a 2% annual inflation rate? Wouldn't that equal a 100% inflation rte after 50 years? Why is the fed inflating away the dollar? When will digital currencies/assets ( CBDC ) become reality? Will the fed alert the public when they plan on implementuing the switchover from cash/fed notes to central bank digital currencies ( CBDCs) or will we wake one morning to find the switchover was done overnight while most slept? Remember in '72 or '74 when Nixon took us off the gold standard and real money ( silver/gold ) was replaced by worthless paper, aka federal notes? Why do we even have the fed when we the people do NOT even vote for these economy destroyers? Who will reap huge profits when the dollar crashes? And what/who gives the fed the right to control America's finances which has proven time and time again to run the country into bankruptcy causing financial difficulty to the people? Why are they so against a Free-mareket economy? Could it be because a free market wouldn't pad their pockets/bank accounts nearly as much? Could it be because these control freaks would know wtf to do being unable to control us? And why oh why does the fed chair NOT use terms that most people would understand?


Let's charge non-existent middle class and poor to pay to bail our billionaires and banks!


Powell screwed us all when he said "inflation is transitory". If I ever did a job as bad as Powell did, I would immediately be disbarred from my field and never allowed to practice it again


Did you read that report on "fake job listing"? There's sooo many jobs out there that pays living wage. LOL😄 America is going downhill real quick.


Why does he fumble with his papers each time a question is asked? It is like he is looking for a pre written answer to each question.


I'm paying off my credit cards and then I'm done with them


Feels like $10 bucks =$1 buck nowadays


Bru, just go after egregious profiteers and leave the working class alone already.


Crooks get out of our lives. Government is the problem.


When reporting actual inflation, why do you always exclude the sectors most affected by inflation?


"Protecting" and "Strengthening Public Confidence" comes at a great cost through further stimulus in the banking system. This Bank Term Funding Program which is essentially another lending facility that allows for unlimited reserves when needed is a contradiction to Powell's statement about how the banking system is sound and resilient. The injection into several banks erased a lot of the QT efforts done in the past year. I thought they should have gone with 50bps but 25bps is still a good message that shows they are still committed to hitting 2% inflation goals. The market is still convinced that the Fed will pause no matter what he says.
