Bill Moyers and Karl Marlantes on What It's Like to Go to War
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Bill talks to Karl Marlantes -- a highly-decorated Vietnam veteran, Rhodes Scholar, author, and PTSD survivor -- about what we on the insulated outside need to understand about the minds and hearts of our modern warriors. Marlantes shares with Bill intimate stories about how his battlefield experiences both shaped and nearly destroyed him, even after returning to civilian life.
"'Thou shalt not kill' is a tenet you just do not violate, and so all your young life, that's drilled into your head. And then suddenly, you're 18 or 19 and they're saying, 'Go get 'em and kill for your country.' And then you come back and it's like, 'Well, thou shalt not kill' again. Believe me, that's a difficult thing to deal with," Marlantes tells Bill. "You take a young man and put him in the role of God, where he is asked to take a life -- that's something no 19-year-old is able to handle."
Bill Moyers and Karl Marlantes on What It's Like to Go to War
Bill Moyers Essay: When We Kill Without Caring
Karl Marlantes, Introduction
Ethics 2016 | Karl Marlantes: Reflections on ‘What it is like to go to War’
Bill Moyers Essay: Living Under the Gun
Karl Marlantes interview
Ethics 2013 | Martin Cook and Karl Marlantes: The Returning Veteran
Ethics 2015 | Karl Marlantes and Martin Cook: A Conversation about What it's Like to Go to War
Bill Moyers Essay: Remember The Victims, Reject the Violence
Bill Moyers and Andrew Bacevich on Sgt. Robert Bales
Karl Marlantes, 'Deep River'
Author Karl Marlantes on #PTSD
TimesTalks - Vietnam 1967: A 50-Year Retrospective
Good Thinking, Bill Moyers, LBJ, War on Poverty, Vietnam
HST137 Summary - Karl Marlantes
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'What It Is Like To Go To War'
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❄ Top 20 Quotes of Karl Marlantes - Author
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