HOMESTEAD LUMBER PRODUCTION (white oaks, stihl chainsaw, horse logging, woodland mills bandsaw)

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We are out in the woods today cutting down some white oaks for lumber to make a few more tie stalls in the horse barn. In the morning we will fell a few trees, harness up the horses, skid logs to our landing spot in front of the sawmill, load the logs, and get the lumber we need cut up into 1” full dimensional boards. We are be using our Haflinger mares to do the skidding today.

We love the winters here in Tennessee. It’s hard to beat a cool day out in the woods with a chainsaw, a team of horses, and the whole family helping out.

Our bandsaw is a Woodland Mills HM130 Max set up with one track extension allowing us to mill up to 16’ boards.

We hope y’all enjoy the video and have a wonderful day!
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I have missed y’all! A lot of hard work! God bless and
Most of all
“Happy Thanksgiving “!
We all have so much to be thankful and Having Our Lord living within Our Hearts!! Amen! Love y’all!❤


Where are my five precious donkeys that you swore you would keep together and take home to be friends to your CHILDREN, Gabriel???? Why won’t you confirm that they are there and okay? Why don’t I see them in any of your videos??? I’ll tell you why- because you LIED TO ME and took my precious animals to auction for money!!! I trusted you!!!! 😢😢😢😢 You are a BAD PERSON!!!


So on February 15th 2025 at 9 am Gabe put a dress on his little boy 😮 what’s up with that really !!!


I understand you, you lied to an animal sanctuary offering to give some donkeys a wonderful and loving home, but instead flipped them for cash. You are a very cold and cruel person, those donkeys probably ended up in a kill pen and you couldn’t care less as long as you are lining your pockets. This is very sick and disturbing of you. If you have one ounce of compassion you would tell the sanctuary what you did with all the animals.


I love your videos! You are such a wonderful family, and I am so glad I purchased your book. It changed my life! Thank you for all of the cooking videos you have done and continue to do. Happy Holidays!


Your poor treatment of the animals will catch up to you.
