Should We Worry About The Yellowstone Supervolcano? - A Brief History of Volcanic Eruptions

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Should We Worry About The Yellowstone Supervolcano? - A Brief History of Volcanic Eruptions. In this video we explain if the earthquakes in Utah & Idaho are related with the yellowstone supervolcano and the history of the well known eruptions of volcanoes like the eruption of Mount Vesuvius that devastated the ancient city of Pompeii, the eruption of Mount Saint Helens in 1980. The eruption of Krakatoa in 1883 and the most explosive volcanic eruption in recorded human history of Mount Tambora in 1815 that created a global volcanic winter which made the year 1816 known as the year without a summer. At last we explain what would likely happen if there was a level 8 mega-colossal eruption of the Yellowstone Supervolcano and if there is any evidence that such an eruption will happen in our lifetime. Watch the video to learn more about the history of volcanic eruptions and subscribe to our channel for more videos like this.

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No. We should worry about Campi Flegrei in the Bay of Naples. Bigger and much closer.


No one knows for sure when Yellowstone will erupt again. If anyone says they do, they are lying.


It could also just seep out continuously, be relatively harmless but distribute loads of magma. For Yellowstone to really grow concerning, you’d have to see massive land deformation which is a key clue on the pressures within.


Campt Flegrei is the one to watch out in our life-time. That's how near its danger is.


Yellowstone's Caldera is one of the largest in the world. If this Supervolcano came to an eruption, the seismic volcanic activity will be noted, well ahead. years, even decades. Gasvents, known as Fumaroles will perforate the entire Yellowstone-Valley, and beyond. The largest of these vents will eventually push up the first lava, which widen the vents and form the first volcanic vents.

When these vents start to connect with eachother, they will shape the maincrater. At this point, the amount of pumice and ash will be fuming many kilometers up in the atmosphere already for many months. Earthquakes will be 'parasitizing' the entire area around the Valley; 4-5 US States.
The main Eruption itself will be catastrophic, producing around 60+km of dustcloud into the stratosphere, which will travel around the globe. This dustcould that will build on and on for many months, even years perhaps, will intoxicate the air we breathe: Miniscule pumice-particles will clutter inside peoples (moist) lungs, causing aspixiation within 2-3 weeks around 99% of all living things.

If this goes down, there's NOTHING we can do about it!


why should we be scared of something we have no control over?


This will be the loudest thing ever over 100x over and it’s sound will travel will go over the globe several times


I don't get this. The simplest point is not made. It is: for each eruption a new caldera. So worry about the hotspot and about what part of the continental plate that is now or "then" over it, not about Yellowstone, it is the ejected casing. With the distance in time between eruptions known and the distance in miles also known at least an estimate of the next caldera forming event should be guessable. Yes, Yellowstone occasionally has a bit of a burb, but it is not the probable site of the next "bang, there it blows!".


Thank you for this video very informative o my Allah help us before the worst thing happened let's hope for the best prepare for the worst


To be clear, the word is volcanologist, Not volcano-ologist.


La garelda:Im the biggest!
Io ultra hyper volcano: Am i a joke to you?


There is another super volcano somewhere in Europe that has higher chances of going off I feel, the magma chamber for Yellowstone is just too big, I dont see a magma flow big enough going through there but you never know, something could come out from nowhere from deep below, if it did go off, it would be intense.


Mt.toba: amarica isnt everything worry about mw more


yes...but why worry? Its not like anyone reading this comment will survive that eruption again lol


No use worrying over something you have no control of
