Fire Chief Debunks Defensible Space Myth

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In this presentation Todd Lando, Battalion Chief and Wildfire Hazard Mitigation Specialist, discusses defensible space, applicable fire codes and ordinances covering zones 0 - 4, and busts myths as it relates to creating defensible space. Living with Fire in Marin County webinar series (March 2021)

#MarinCounty #WildfirePrevention #FireSafeMarin
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Live on 5.5 acres in Placer County, 95658. Insurance was canceled and am priced out at $600 a month with $20k deductible. Your video is much appreciated!


The thing with trees is that if the trees are close to the structure than they will shed leaves/needles over the roof and in the gutters. This will create highly flammable material on the roof.


Excellent video! I wish I could make our local volunteer fire department understand that wind-blown embers are the main cause of ignition during a wildfire. They focus ONLY on defensible space. I'm sealing my home's exterior and installing permanent sprinklers.


This video calmed me down alot, I just purchased a vacant lot in northern Cali and one of the main reasons was because of the large trees on the lot and the privacy they provide from neighbors. I was pretty upset thinking that all trees within a 30ft radius around my house would have to go, which after watching this video I realize is not the case which is good. Very informative video thank you for clearing the 100' defensible space code up for me 🙂


Thank you! -- Trees & plants provide shade & create moisture. Appreciate this info.


This is one of the best videos I have seen so thank you. My insurance company won’t renew in October 2024 unless I get a wildfire prep certificate. Our tree canopies need to be 10 feet apart and our neighbors have trees right next to ours. We live in Westlake Village (a suburb in SoCal).


The best Defensible Space video ive seen. A must see. Thank you sir for communicating the issues so clearly.


So many after fire pictures show the houses burnt to the ground and the forest still standing. We bring the flammability into the forest with our possessions and structures. The change to our culture is what needs to happen.
