How to make objects transparent in Blender | Blender 4.1 Tutorial

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Hey guys, welcome back to NextGenBlogger and in this video, I want to show you how to make object transparent in Blender. Now it's actually super easy to make object transparent in Blender. So without further delay, let's get started and see how you can do this. Now to demonstrate this, I've already added a cube and before I show you how you can make this cube transparent, I would like to move this cube a little towards the top. So let's move the cube along the Z-axis by 1 meter. All right.
Now the first thing that you need to do to make this cube transparent is you need to click on this option that is 'Material'. Next, inside 'Material', you will find this option called 'Surface' where currently 'Principled BSDF' is selected. So click on this drop down list and now select this option that is 'Transparent BSDF'. Next, you need to scroll down below and right at the bottom, you're going to find this option called 'Blend Mode' where currently 'Opaque' is selected. So click on this drop down list and now select this option that is 'Alpha Blend'. Next, what you need to do is you need to click on this option that is 'Display in Material Preview mode' and that's it. As you can see, we have successfully made the cube transparent. So this is how you can make object transparent in Blender.
Now we have made the cube transparent, but it kind of looks empty. So what I would like to do is I would like to add borders to this cube and I would like to see through the cube. So to do it, you need to change the 'Surface' from 'Transparent BSDF' to 'Mix Shader'. Next, right below the 'Surface' option, you're going to find two 'Shader' options. So click on the drop down list of the first 'Shader' and now select this option that is 'Glossy BSDF'. Next, change the 'Color' to yellow. Alright, now contract the first 'Shader' option and now click on the drop down list of the second 'Shader'. This time select the 'Transparent BSDF' option and that's it.
This is how you can make object transparent in Blender. Do let me know your thoughts in the comment section below. Like the video and subscribe to my YouTube channel. I will again see you in the next video. Till then, thanks for watching.