How to Install Drip Irrigation for Containers and Potted Plants (Complete Beginner's DIY Guide)

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A simple DIY self-watering Drip Irrigation system will give you back valuable time so you can spend more time enjoying your potted plants and patio.

Adam walks step-by-step through the setup and installation of an automatic drip irrigation system for container plants – containers can be anything from a potted plant to a grow bag. Adam will show you how to handle containers of almost any size.

*Tools used:*
- 🔨 Hammer

*Parts list:*
_Head Assembly:_




_Misc. Parts:_

More container and potted plant supplies:

0:00 - Intro
0:57 - Supplies We're Using
3:18 - Installing the Head Assembly
4:22 - Installing the 1/4" Mainline Tubing
5:44 - Adding Elbows and Button Drippers
8:11 - Expanding the System
9:16 - Flushing the System of Debris
10:30 - Running the First Watering Cycle / Troubleshooting

#containergardening #selfwateringpot #dripirrigationsystem

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I love these videos! You found the perfect person to be in them!


Fantastic video. Bought my kit from DripDepot specifically because of how helpful this video is.


Thank you, this was extremely helpful 😊


What a great clear video for a first time drip installer!! Thank you!


Post more videos!! I can’t stop watching


Excellent video. Great explanations about everything in my kit. Can't wait to put it all together. Thanks.


PLEASE READ!!!! If you are a DIY person like me but struggle with skill and experience, this is the kit/company for you! I always have to do everything TWICE because I always make mistakes. ALL of their pieces are REUSABLE! If you make a mistake it doesn’t cost you anything!!! Any errors are quickly corrected and no pieces are wasted because you can always change your design or expand you are garden. Best purchase ever!!!!


Thansk Adam. Exactly what I was looking for and really well explained with no unnecessary information. I have a doubt about keeping water pressure even through out the system. Will the presurre regulator do that?


from aliexpress i got even t pieces for the 3mm drop tube !


there are timer pumps connected to the WC's cistern (refills itself each time), just works for several plants in the WC room or on its window/balcony


some flower crests have a water deposit as a reserve at the bottom, but it's spent quickly in a few hours sun in summer since balconies heat up as an oven due to their ceramics.


W/ blumat ''carrots'' it's also possible, from elevated water deposit or faucet, just some costly because their cheaoer drip distributers (up to 5 for each moisture sensor) need larger baskets/longer crests (40cm?) to be worth installed


I needed some advice about the different kits. I have 60 pots with individual plants..which kit size would be best suitable roughly?


Hi! What a great video- I am excited to try to install this. I am watering a container garden on my balcony with no hose bib- is it possible to connect this system to a tub faucet? (running it through the bathroom window out of the tub) Thanks so much!


LOVE your videos and your site! New to Central Texas and the drought conditions are no joke. I just received my foundation drip irrigation supplies from your site (thank you for the extremely helpful video on that!!!). I used the recommended 25 PSI pressure regulator and 1/2 inch dripline with 0.5 GPH on the less sunny side. I have some potted plants in the back and eventually will set up several raised beds. I have one hose bib that is at the front of the house 65 feet away. My question is, would I tap into the foundation watering dripline that is along the back with a T connector to water my plants? If so, can you link the connector that will go from a 1/2" line to a 1/4" line? I'm a little confused on the site which ones would do that. I think I'd want ones with the on/off switch as I'm not sure if they need to be on the same schedule as my foundation. If not, do I hook up another timer and pressure regulator to a new mainline line that runs to the back? Thank you so much!


Does the pressure regulator help in cases of low pressure? I'm using rain barrels as my water source.


if some of my plants are more than 30 ' away from water source, but not all my plants on the way, do I still switch to the 1/2" mainline tubing. And then do I still use 1/2" tubing for the rest of the line including up to the drippers, or do I use t connectors to connect 1/4" line to the main line for the drippers?


Hi extremely helpful video. I installed my items today. I have a lot of leaking from the hose by tubing adapter. I even ordered an extra and tried both adapters. The leak is not coming from where the tubing connects, it’s coming from the perimeter of the round part of the adapter. Any hints? Thank you.


w/ an elevated water deposit it's also possible - even w/o timer (only neede for vacations/longer absences), because there's just need to open & close the tube shutter. great advantage is being able to dissolve fertilizer into the tank (even solud solluble) such as DIYbroths such as symphytum comosum or stinging nettle.


Hi Excellent video. I travel overseas about 4 months a year and you know how sad it is to return home after 4 mos only to see everything dead ! Yes, I even paid a neighbor to water my balcony plants and although they swear they did it, those of us that know about plants can tell that is not true. I followed you on this nice video, my only issue is I have no tap/faucet on my 10X5 balcony to feed the system. Planning on on using a large barrel and a submersible water pump. It will be easier to ask a person to come every 2 weeks and fill up the barrel than asking them to care for plants. Need advise on what kind of submersible pump to buy, probably I will need a timer for the electrical wire that powers the pump (pump to wall outlet) and then have the system running. Need to have this system running before I leave mid December. Thanks !
