Heat waves: Health warnings are in place in parts of Europe, Asia and North America | DW News

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Health warnings are in place in parts of Europe, Asia and North America as heat waves and wildfires continued on Wednesday.

Beijing broke a 23-year-old record with 27 consecutive days of temperatures above 35 degrees Celsius.

Unprecedented heat was also recorded in southern France, Spain's Catalonia region, and the US state of Arizona.

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It's almost as if pumping pollutants is bad for the environment


Italy here. It's the coldest summer of the next 100 years.


Just two hours ago we've been hit by a weak tornado in Eastern Croatia after two days of drought. Then we endured one of the most violent thunderstorms of this year. Our creek was completely dry and reached a depth of almost 6 feet in the span of an hour. Fortunately, nobody got hurt, but we really dodget a bullet. If that tornado has been a bit stronger like those in the US, my colleagues and me (we're volunteers of the European Solidarity Corps) would have been toast.


Here in Canada, the forests are burning endlessly. It is heartbreaking.



If "Business as Usual" remains in place, by 2100, Middle East, the Indian subcontinent, and Southeast Asia would be unsurvivable for humans. Middle East will see temperatures exceeding 60°C every year. India and Southeast Asia reaching 45°C on top of 90% humidity or more. Both of these conditions are unfit not just for humans, but wildlife as well. Up to 90 million people could die every year by 2100 due to heat. And because of the migration of mass people to escape such areas, it might trigger another pandemic, with warming temperatures also expands the area for disease vectors for infection, and enroachment of animal habitat releasing deadly viruses to humans, potentially killing billions of people.

If man cannot control their endless hunger of the dollar, Mother Nature will force population culling of humans.


I believe this is just a preview of things to come, which can and will be much worse.


I can hardly tolerate 30c i couldnt survive these temperatures. Sounds terrible


Why CHOOSE AND PLAN a trip knowing this the case? 🥺 I get it’s the only time for some, but if you can avoid it, please do. You’re putting your own heath at risk and the strain on the emergency services of the country you’re visiting.


I'm Italian and next week I'm leaving for my holidays in Ireland. I hope it will rain and the thermometer will never go above 18-20 degrees...please tell me it will!


Combined with the heat....Europe in the summer has become unbearable in many places with the amount of tourists and nomads. The entire continent feels like one big giant Disneyland. Even finding places that are "off the beaten path" is becoming more difficult.


Summer sucks. Bring on Fall and Winter.


where i live in the desert of california, yesterday was 120 or 48.88... wow, a lot of the countries in Europe need cooling stations for everyone, especially seniors. here in the desert of California we sort of getting used to it coming each and every summer. summer may not going to be the greatest time to go on holiday any longer... we are beyond the tipping point, from here on it's just downhill, like one of those sliders at the park.


Adequate hydration, adequate mineral intake, adequate rest, and moderate laziness are key when extremely hot weather persists.🐭


about 46c in Arizona where I am at. The AC is very cool though. There's a stretch in the desert where it gets this hot each year, but it is getting slightly hotter each year on average, obviously.

Edit: Correction: The wet bulb temperature I put here previously was incorrect. It is a modified version called "WetBulb Globe Temperature".

The correct wet bulb temp was much lower, for Tucson being around 73F. It would have to go up at least 22F and the humidity around here is far to low to get that high.


As an Italian, you guys need to be very brave to come in Italy in summer with all the people and this crazy weather... i stay at home or at work closed in my office to avoid this heat and there are people going visiting some of the busiest cities in italy :O.


How about getting your reporter out of the heat and in shade? We won't be disappointed ...


Anything over 26/27 degrees and I will start to worry. 40 degrees? No way Id die. We are used to rain over here in Ireland.


Yesterday Croatian capital of Zagreb was hit by a violent storm that even the oldest people claim to be the worst in memory. It descended with unusual speed and clouds had that greenish tone that I previously only saw in tornado footages. Followed by winds that blew over 100km/h, it destroyed large parts of the city, pulled trees along with the roots and threw bulding roofs around as if they were made of fabric. Before Zagreb, storm ravaged SLovenia and northern Croatia, and afterwards it also made a mess of eastern Croatia and northern Serbia. There were fatalities and numerous injuries.
Now, Zagreb and northwestern Croatia always had severe summer storms often followed by floods, but this one was destructive on a completely new level. Usually this gale-type storms only occur in coastal regions of Croatia, but I guess we have to get used to this in the inlands too. Not to mention that summers in Zagreb are becoming unbareably hot and humid.


But people still don't want to address our climate problem.


And still, we just continue burning fossile fuels. 😢
