ISO 27701 Implementation | Tsaaro Exclusive Webinar | Data Privacy

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ISO 27701 is a framework for data privacy that builds on ISO 27001. This latest privacy best practice guides organisations on policies and procedures that should be in place to comply with GDPR and other data protection/ privacy regulations and laws.

The ISO 27701 standard, a PIMS (Privacy Information Management System) standard, lays out a detailed set of operational checklists that can be adapted to a variety of regulations, including GDPR.

Watch this recorded session of Tsaaro Exclusive Webinar and get in-depth knowledge on ISO 27701 & Compliance by Industry experts.

Key discussion points from this episode are:
00:00 Introduction
12:45 Key Terms
15:55 Do you know about ISO 27701?
18:11 What is ISO 27701?
22:37 Why was ISO 27701 Developed?
24:41 Is ISO 27701 Part of ISO 27001?
25:45 ISO27701 vs 27001; Correlation and Difference
29:05 ISO 27701 Implementation
34:00 PDCA from ISO27001 to ISO 27701
41:16 Q&A Session

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