Rush Limbaugh predicts coming of Islamic Antichrist!
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Rush Limbaugh is preaching religion more than politics these days. Rush just shocked his listeners by explaining how Iran's hoped-for so-called "12th Imam" is none other than the Antichrist prophesied in the Christian bible book of Revelation. The difference is that in Christian theology the Antichrist is a man possessed by Satan who brings forth the battle of Armageddon. But from the Shiite Muslim so-called holy books the 12th Imam is a hero, the one who brings apocalypse to earth to usher in an era of peace with only Muslims on earth.
So both major world religions, Christianity and Islam, are predicting the coming battle of Armageddon. In this epic battle Muslims are betting that the 12th Imam will win while the Christian book of Revelation says Christ will win.
Rush Limbaugh said, "This is religious truth to them. The 12th Imam can only surface after Israel is done away with and the 12th Imam is equivalent to Antichrist and so forth."
But Rush added that that in addition to targeting Israel with nukes that the Shiite Muslims of Iran using nuclear weapons against rival Sunni Muslims.
And now with Obama dropping U.S. opposition to Iran making nuclear bombs, it sees that it's not merely a matter of if by when Iran will use them and against whom?
So both major world religions, Christianity and Islam, are predicting the coming battle of Armageddon. In this epic battle Muslims are betting that the 12th Imam will win while the Christian book of Revelation says Christ will win.
Rush Limbaugh said, "This is religious truth to them. The 12th Imam can only surface after Israel is done away with and the 12th Imam is equivalent to Antichrist and so forth."
But Rush added that that in addition to targeting Israel with nukes that the Shiite Muslims of Iran using nuclear weapons against rival Sunni Muslims.
And now with Obama dropping U.S. opposition to Iran making nuclear bombs, it sees that it's not merely a matter of if by when Iran will use them and against whom?