Smooth Expansion | Ep42 | Workers and Resources | Season 10

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Today: Lets move to the next area.

The Peninsula Island Challenge has 4 simple rules:
1. Realistic Settings
2. No Land Connections to the Island
3. At max USSR 2 Customs Houses, 0 NATO
4. Hard Money

Mods are allowed and probably even required at times. I will stick to Vanilla at least for industries.

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Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic is the ultimate real-time soviet-themed city builder tycoon game. Construct your own republic and transform a poor country into a rich industrial superpower!

This Hard playthrough of Soviet Republic should also serve as a tutorial for any of you that want to follow along.


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41:05 Or spend 3 hours on planning and building and then spend at least twice the amount of time on double checking everything and adding things you forgot to add in my case :D

1:01:08 That right there is why I'm not gonna bother with following rule 5 of this challenge, even though my republic currently could in the long term get away with only 2 types of busses (one with ~30 and one with ~130 capacity).
Unless there's some method added (either by devs or via a script mod) which allows a vehicle production line to automatically switch to producing a vehicle for immediate autoreplacement purposes...

1:05:25 Or... use the road cargo station in the back to transport the vehicles away?

1;09:25 Yeah, cableway cabins/cars don't need replacement.
Would be a bit nightmarish if that was the case...

1:10:13 That's... some traffic jam right there...


The engineering city turned out really nice at night. I wish some flats had a view parking lots in them. It takes up sooo much space if you add parking-lots on your own. Maybe i have to look for a multifloor car-park in the mods.


Yay, new episode, Saturday saved! :)

Me first:

Yay, finally Bballjo is using the ctrl key thing when drawing infrastructure! :)
No, Bballjo gave up too early and thought that the result sucked :(

Don't forget that the ring road in the new "small island city" isn't actually connecting on the conmat side of the city. The reason that I'm pointing this out is that you might want an additional fire station on the "other" side of the rail, to take care of that side of the city. Also, can't remember where you placed a hospital/clinic, but if it's close to the "rail/conmat" end of the city, you might want to consider two of those too, so the ambulances will reach it's destinations in time.

P.S. Windmills aren't that great in combination with distribution offices, as they may send a truck when there is power at the destination, and when it reaches the destination it gives up if power is out. Multiple extra trips until they eventually fill up.

Btw as a first step for the new construction setup I would just run a few cars on a line from the nuclear/waste setup over to the concrete/asphalt plant.

Also: I think that you forgot sewage and drinking water, and probably also waste, for the concrete+asphalt plants.

Given that it's likely that some future buildings will lack sewage every now and then, maybe place a sewage unloading station in this area too?

Yay, they fixed the translation, surface water intake instead of the old surface water outflow.

Surprised that you didn't consider the western buses. Don't remember the stats for the American ones, but the West German "MARS 305" has been my go-to for ages. IIRC it's about as fast as the Ikarus 256 but has way larger capacity. Also the difference between the Ikarus 256 with 45 passengers and the PZ-something with 32 passengers seems not worth the effort to have both ones produced.

Maybe contact the devs and ask them to make it possible to replace buses with cars and cars with buses? Would kind of need cars to show up both in the bus replacement and in the car replacement thingies though, as you could replace a car on a line with a bus, but not replace a personal car or a secret service car with a bus. Can't remember where you use those small vehicles, maybe the water wells and whatnot? Either way, you can probably use cars rather than small buses in most such cases.

Btw, sorry if this makes two tenths of your vehicle production not strictly necessary, but I doubt that you would need to replace any rail vehicles within the 20 year goal that you set up. Well, this would at least be true if you replace any old vehicles before trying running it 20 years without intervention.

Also: Probably not worth the effort but maybe add a harbor on the peninsula that receives some of the export vehicles, for use as replacement and whatnot on the peninsula.

Also, yet another petition to rename Insuleu to Peninsuleu :) :)


@40:56 Small water pipe is going to need a pump to work.


Do you plan on starting any farms, or are you going to rely on imports for foodstuffs? Also, are you planning on starting a domestic Aircraft industry and building an airport?


Somebody should build a mod that's a building with sewage settling ponds for maps without closeby waterways.


Build more Car dealerships in new towns


Can one actually start this game from a village that gradually turns into a city? I keep thinking that I should try to do that and if it's doable?


Hey body! Can I ask you what country you are from?
