Hitting the Ceiling | EOS Tips
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It can be frustrating when you're not achieving what you set out to do, or when achieving a goal seems to come at great cost. Great leaders know when they need help. Using EOS's Back to Basics Checklist, you can get your team back on track. From a personal perspective - this is the EOS tool to address personal burnout, which is called Hitting the Ceiling. I teach this to every leadership team in Focus Day and Vision Building Day 1, and the final line is here are the two key messages I want you to remember: 1) Hitting the Ceiling is code for HELP - which is treated as a four letter word for most leaders 2) Your biggest single fix/action when addressing this is doing the Delegate and Elevate tool. #eos #delegateandelevate #leadership #burnout #eosworldwide
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