Steer Clear of These 3 Types of Toxic Coworkers

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On any workplace, there are bound to be difficult personalities that can make your job harder than it needs to be. But some coworkers go beyond being merely annoying or challenging to work with. These are the people who spread gossip and drama, and who can bring down the morale of an entire team. In this video, we'll identify three types of toxic coworkers that you should steer clear of, and offer tips on how to deal with them if you can't avoid them altogether. Whether you're a new hire or a seasoned pro, knowing how to spot and handle coworkers can help you stay focused, productive, and happy at work. So let's dive in and learn how to steer clear of these three types of coworkers!

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Never engage with the pot stirrer. They’ll run shit back to the very same person they instigated you into talking about. I’ve watched this happen countless times. In fact the most satisfying way to deal with that type is to allow them to do all the talking while you allow an awkward silence to swell. It will make them uncomfortable and irritated by your lack of engagement.


I’m trying to get a remote career so badly! I have several problematic coworkers, but the one that just irks me a bit more than the rest is a woman that will butt herself into any conversation and follow up with, “Sorry, I’m noisy.” Bay-bay, you cannot expect that excuse to justify invading people’s privacy and you most certainly cannot feign ignorance if you recognized that you must say you’re noisy. Pray for me y’all


Honestly when I limited my “work friendships” in the office with other women and focused on my work and stopped listening to co workers gossip about others I excelled at my job and have never been involved in any office bull. I hate to say this but women in the office are unbearable to work with. To many personalities, competitions, pettiness and foolishness.

I steer clear from most of them and I have been fine. I also stopped being the black spokespersons that was designated to speak up. I got got 2 times in my career and I got hip to that game quickly. Fight your own battles.


I remember making a comment about a coworker to a co manager and asking them for advice on how to help her see the mess she was getting into and to snap out of it. Well, that didn’t end well. Word got around and I was “hated” for what I said.
Fast forward 5 years later…
I was in a much higher position (assistant manager) and I got told how it all transpired. I was also told I was right. The guy coworker she was “dating” was stealing her sales, out performed her, and got promoted as well…only to get fired for stealing. Also their relationship ended because she caught him cheating on her and had a whole baby with another woman.
Fast forward 3 years later… she walks in the very store where we had worked where now I’m the store manager but she was phased out years before. She started talking to me like we were friends. After all that drama she instigated because she found out and didn’t like what I said, she made no mention of any of it. Just was talking like we was long time friends. 😂😂😂

Work drama is real and that lesson taught me to mind my fkn business. My name is now Bennett and I ain’t in it. 🙈🙉🙊


I just read an article about how a guy (Asian) was speaking about his job in healthcare and the monetary benefits with a coworker. Next thing you know this guy got reported for only working in healthcare for money and his manager wanting him to apologise. A BW (I think she works in healthcare too) stitched his video and advised him to just pretty much get his paycheck and go home and not try to be besties with the snakes at work.

Even I sometimes end up hating my time at work especially prior to Covid where I had manipulative coworkers (I still do). And at one point of time dealt with workplace bullying from older people in the workplace.

Last year I had the same type of encountour with a misogynist in a government job. It was terrible because he was there for over 20 years so people in high places took his side even when he stole from a client. During my time there I had to endure his narc behavior and bullying. I'm glad I'm no longer working there.


Take heed because this video contains excellent advice. Worked w/all of those types then some. Sometimes it’s your own boss. I early retired from a Fortune 500 corporation. Office politics is the worst & luckily coworkers respected that I didn’t play office politics. I was just friendly enough to be considered a team player. Not playing the game can sometimes ruin your career. You’re w/these folks more during the week than w/your own family. Folks would waste half the day on Mondays talking about what they did on the weekend. I rarely went to lunch w/coworkers because I didn’t want to waste my lunch break listening to office gossip. One time I tried to get approval to become a remote worker. I lived only 15 minutes from work at the time but I was at work to work not waste time office listening to non business related chatter. My mgr at the time told me that even if I got approved, she reserved the right to drop by my house at any time. I reminded her that at every review, I was commended /compensated for being a a worker who required little or no supervision. She said that didn’t matter. I emailed HR that day & withdrew my request.


I will say, the first coworker mentioned, ask yourself if they have reason within the workplace to be paranoid. Are they being singled out, bullied or regularly scapegoated? If so, there's a much wider issue than their stress and behaviour like theirs won't disappear if they leave, too many people observe workplace bullying yet are comfortable because the bullies aren't picking on them, yet coworker lineups and personal circumstances change, bullies and their sidekicks are quick to turn on others and one another.


I stay to myself. Learned my lesson many years ago.


Omgosh why did I go into work today after 3 weeks off and have the biggest bust up with some colleague who doesn't know how to mind their own business. He got it right back though


I worked with a BW who was a composite of the personalities you described. First, she would say things about the manager who I happened to like. Then she would try to undermine me by telling me I should NOT have been selected for a plum position the very same manager offered me; a job she was offered as well. (We were both selected). When I didn’t take her “advice”, she would bad mouth me to another BW in the office. I was so glad when our team moved to a different office, she decided not to come. A few weeks later, we were allowed to WFH and I’ve been working from home ever since. (This happened years prior to COVID.) Needless to say, she was highly p*ssed.


It ain't sometimes coworkers are the reason you do not want to return to the office. They're the MAIN reason, along with poor management. The jobs alone were never my problem.


Thank you for this! I wish the list could have been expanded by seven. 😂 Sometimes, toxic coworkers are wrapped up in protected classes, which make it even more difficult because managers and/or HR won't do anything about their toxicity in the work environment.


I’m #1 but I feel like everyone at my job is. For good reason though. The place has been through 3 re-orgs since I’ve been there😅. At one point they just needed to reduce staff by 6%. Didn’t care who. That kind of environment breeds paranoia.


Thanks for this! Girl these types keep ish going constantly. I have problematic Karen who has major racist micro aggressions. She is all three types of coworkers discussed here rolled into one. Bottom line the folks are narcissists period. I loved with my remotely three days a week which changed to two days a week. Less drama.


When you work in a narcissist paradigm, steering clear of these ppl will put a target on your back. I’m a living witness to this horror. It’s caused so much ptsd in my life that it’s made it very difficult to work. I’m transitioning to remote work only bc of this.

Also, In order for you to successfully avoid these types, the work culture must have a healthy foundation in place. And most work environments do not. They encourage such toxic employees, unfortunately.


I got my dream job after wfh for a bank for the last 3 years. None of these types are in my office. I think that’s how they keep staff. That plus the catered food and gas cards.


I’m just gonna be honest I’m the paranoid performer. As soon as I hear the phrase, I knew that was me. This is unhealed trauma for sure, and it is something that I try and work on. However, it has been one of the hardest to break. The people pleasing in my personal life and stuff I have started setting lots of boundaries around that and holding firm on them, even going no contact for a couple of people. I just can’t seem to do it at work, as well as I’ve done it in my personal life. My improvement on this at work has probably been very minimal, as it’s still very apparent to me still.


I worked with people that like that but mostly the last two. And the worst part they are my supervisors. I can’t ask questions or anything to them when they talk. Also one of them are very tense when being around them.


Ladies..let me give you the 4th coworker to watch out for. The red pill content coworker. You'll be able to spot him after a few conversations. He'll call you names on the low trying to get a rise out of you or give you compliment but then say something demeaning soon after. He should be dateable but isn't🤭. We are waaay smarter and don't give any f**** about these hemotionals and their triangulation deflection tactics. This hemo at work called me negative..not once but twice because what he really wanted was a reaction outta me. Nahhh don't put lotion on your elbows and you smell like 2 day old cigarettes. First, I already know I'm not negative so I'm not going to reply to nonsense. Beware these types at your job ladies...they will try to push your buttons. But never in front of others..just when you're!! Just like a typical narc.😅


I’m so glad I work remotely best decision I’ve ever made,
