Hurricanes: How To Stop Them and What's a Hypercane | BBC Earth Science

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How are ocean temperatures correlated with hurricanes? How do we stop hurricanes? Discover the different types of hurricanes and how they are exactly formed.

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It’s sad that BBC has succumbed to the fad of removing the natural pauses between sentences in the voice over. It’s harder to recall information when these natural pauses are shortened. It also gives the implicit impression that the information is low value or meant to be ignored.

It’s especially obvious here since this video leaves the natural pauses in the interviewees’ speech. The VO sounds like a buzzing fly around a few snippets of human beings speaking. Y’all know what I’m talking about.


Well if dinosaurs were animated like in 0:52, they sure deserved the comet strike, lol.


Hypercane: the name of a band from the Berklee College of music featuring drummer Mike Mangini.


So we're going to build enormous submarines powered by one of the rapidly maturing fusion systems. They'll have a huge snorkel, hardened for crazy waves and wind, pulling surface air down a few hundred feet, then blasting it out both sides.These machines would have off season uses as well - cruise back and forth through the Gulf of Mexico's dead zone at the end of the Mississippi, oxygenating the water. If there are oil spills, same method works - the bacteria that clean up oil are limited to available oxygen, supercharge that and cut the scope and duration of a spill.


It’s crazy considering it could have been caused by the Deccan traps before the extinction of dinosaurs


You coulda been a bit more specific and said that hurricanes are what we call them in the west, typhoons are what they are called largely in asia, and then cyclones are the ones which form over the indian ocean.


Hey siri What is 800 kmph in mph? Lol bout 500 mph ok cool


Idk if we should be messing with all this stuff. I'm ok with those farmers who fly into clouds that are starting to rain and mame jt rain harrder. But hurricanse are part of global weather not just local. Is interference with and stopping them entirely a good idea?


Hypercane? The present tense climate is derived from sources composing the fossil fuel and natural gas bodies of the different planets. Gravitational weather is everywhere life exists; weather with gravity. So as we extract from this source the gravitational field of push and pull, effective field; the, oops my food is ready. -Commish


Sorry but hypercane sounds like a superdog or a superstick.


So where was the explanation of how a hypercane killed the dinosaurs? As far as I’ve learned it was because of an asteroid, not a storm.


I'm afraid you're getting your fancy words all mixed up. When you say "ingenious" (10:00) you actually mean "insidious." How about this for a crazy idea: we do what actually is within our power (i.e. stopping burning fossil fuels) instead of dreaming that we can control the catastrophe we are causing without inconveniencing the fossil fuel billionaires (i.e. geoengineering fantasies).


Stop with this pseudo science on the level of conspiracy theories
