Top 5 Essential Oils for Allergies & DIY Vapor Rub

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Today, 40 to 60 million Americans are affected by allergic rhinitis and the numbers continue to grow, especially in children. Allergies can cause a blocked and runny nose, sneezing, watery eyes, headaches and an impaired sense of smell. In more severe cases, allergies can lead to inflammation and shortness of breath. Thankfully, essential oils serve as a natural and safe way to help treat the symptoms of allergies and boost our immune systems.

Today, in this episode of Ancient Medicine Today, I’m talking about the top 5 essential oils to overcome chronic allergies. These essential oils for allergies have the ability to support the body and help it overcome hypersensitivity. Plus, stay tuned for my DIY vapor rub.

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*This content is strictly the opinion of Dr. Josh Axe, and is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of medical advice or treatment from a personal physician. All viewers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Neither Dr. Axe nor the publisher of this content takes responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.
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I've been suffering with severe year round allergies for my entire life (46 years). Just a month ago, I found a video of a guy who uses an oil blend that cured his allergies - Lemon, Lavender, Peppermint and Tea Tree. I've been using it for about 3 weeks now - diffused and topically (applied to the back of the neck using a roller ball vial with Olive Oil).
I simply can't believe how well this blend is working! I should have started my normal OTC meds a while ago, yet I haven't needed any meds at all this season!


I suffer with ezcema and it gets very itchy with very red skin and hundreds of blisters, blisters vary in size and some just liquid and some goo filled. I have been told not to use essential oils and to use antihistamines and immune suppressants. Big no on immune suppressants. Trying different oils to see what works. For major itchy that feels it has spikes in fractionated coconut oil I got from DoTerra is just amazing. It does not take the full itch away fast, it gets rid of the severity fast then as it absorbs the rest of the itchy eases. I love my oils and will keep going until I find what works.


I diffuse lavender, lemongrass and peppermint every day during allergy season. I love the tip about basil oil and will try it. A few drops of Eucalyptus in the shower-so nice! Tea tree oil is my go to for everything. Especially acne!


Yes I do suffer from allergies and I am very blessed isole Avon and they're selling all those oils on my store


this is a chronic issue for me as well but my problem deals with heat. when body temp goes up my nose, my eyes, under my skin become ichty & I sneeze uncontrollably.
if I sit in front of a fan or get really cool it tends to help.
I'm going to try the oils you suggested and see how it goes.
thnx again DOC


I just ordered your book from Christian book and website, as I refuse to use amazon. So glad I found it there. Can’t wait til it arrives. Also so glad my sense of smell is back. Was really starting to worry my oils would never be enjoyed again.


I am in love with essential oil. Definitely try something for my son allergy!


Suffered from allergies, pollen, dust, dander, etc. for 38yrs. (had the shots as a teen, lived on umpteen anti-histamine products year round, wound up with asthma, etc.) It was a year round ailment when I lived in Coastal Northern California. When I moved to coastal Southern California in the mid-80's it was limited to just the month of May, when all of the grasses and trees seem to explode. The month of May was spent living on Benedryl, running a HEPA filter full throttle, 24/7, and sleeping on the couch so as not to disturb my wife. If I had to be outside for extended periods, I would sometimes wear a paint respirator (mask with the 2 charcoal canisters). In 2012 I watched the movie "Forks Over Knives" and after hearing their information about dairy products, I went dairy free. 6 weeks later, it was May, and I completely forgot that it was allergy season. Didn't bring out the HEPA filter, didn't sleep on the couch, and didn't take any Benedryl. What? Here were all these people suffering from allergies around me, and yet I was having almost no response.

Well, it's been nearly 5 years now, and each May comes and goes without much more then the occasional itchy nose, maybe some sneezing if I'm outside in the wind for a long time, and maybe a runny nose under those conditions as well. I feel like I've gotten a month of my life back each year.

I've read that others have had the same result when they stopped consuming ALL dairy products. The other benefit of being dairy free is in how the skin become soft and nice again, even elbows, knees, feet, and hands.

For those that like Milk, yogurt, and ice cream, Flax Milk made by a company called "Good Karma" tastes just like regular milk, and the coconut yogurts and "ice creams" taste exactly the same as dairy yogurt/ice cream. If you like cooking with butter, switch to coconut oil, and enjoy those many benefits, as well as what it does to your skin. If you still eat bread, and like toast, (pancakes/waffles/english muffins, etc) "butter" it with coconut oil, and give it a little sprinkle of Himalayan salt, or sea salt, and it tastes very much like toast with butter. A little sprinkle of cinnamon and you'll never know. So you don't have to go without any of the foods you enjoy, and the potential health improvements are huge.

If you're concerned about calcium for you, or your children, you might do a little research on how much calcium the body actually needs, as compared to what the US Gov/FDA who are funding dairy production and what plant sources are excellent providers. Flax Milk for example, actually has more calcium than cow milk.


I found that Peppermint oil is great for relieving sore muscles and loosening up joints. As I get more sophisticated I'd like to try a combination oil like Peppermint, Wintergreen and Black Pepper which I expect will be fantastic.


Hi Dr Axe, I have dustmite allergies which is through out the year. Could you pl suggest something for that please. I also want to thank you so much for such a good suggestions on healing naturally.


Thank you yep allergies trying peppermint oil lemon and lavender i want to try Basil


I love this presentation... LOVE IT. I use Zengest/digestzen (I'm in UK) 15 years on over counter medication.. not taken any for 8 weeks now!!

It is now almost September... the Above oil helped until about 1 week ago. Now I'm back to sneezing and the usual. I'm guessing that a new flower/pollen or mould has now come out.

WATER dripping nose, so basil is on my list now.


Allergy season here in Connecticut...Ordered the book, can't wait...already using, many of the oils, getting great results...


Thank you Dr. Ax, you described my symptoms completely! I developed allergies about 2 years ago. I never had them before. Now I have post nasal drip, cough, and fluid on ears, year round!!! I was diagnosed as being allergic to every kind of grass, tree, and weeds around me. Also allergic to mold. I have tried a combo of lemon, lavender, and peppermint. I have not tried basil. I am getting some today!!


Thank you
I love the essential oils too.
I have a question, What do you think about Black garlic in the daily diet?


Thanks for the video. Is there a specific essential oil for itchy eyes?


I use 4 drops R.C. blend essential oil, 4 drops Frankincense oil, 2 drops peppermint oil. Add equivalent drops of grapeseed oil in a roller bottle. rub on chest several times a day.


I'm totally buying this book along with your essential oils as soon as I get paid


i drink manuka honey and organic lemon in water, then eat an entire lemom and 2 spoons of manuka, then drink 3 spoons of organic moroccan olive oil, and keep a scarf on all day covering my mouth and sleep with it, and eat lots of kiwi and organges, the next morning my sinus feels a lot less stuffy and my chest becomes more clear and it sorts out the sore throat.


