Learn Astrology: Cusps in Your Birth Chart (It’s not what you think)

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Learn Astrology: Cusps in Your Birth Chart (It’s not what you think)

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In my studies this is very specific to which kind of astrology is being discussed; would love to hear more on this aspect.


Being a Sagittarius rising with Capricorn on the cusp, I find that my personality resonates with both, but that's just me.


So one can be crispy without being cuspy? So glad you cleared that up! I've missed you, glad to see you looking and doing great. You're like a fine sip of wine, smooth, gentle and alive. Please stay that way.


I was looking at my birth chart and noticed I am 29 degree Leo ASC and thought oh what does that mean maybe I am also cancer and then two minutes later I’m watching this and voila you answered my question and stopped me from going down a road I didn’t need to go on! Lol 😂 Thanks 🙏 ♥️


11/22 /1978.... I'm a Scorpio by 4hrs. I was born at 6:15am. Anytime after 10:15am I would be a Sagittarius. My whole life up till I was 38 I thought I was Sagittarius. Then I started with Tarot and astrology and find out im a freaking Scorpio my whole life. Life made more sense after that major discovery lol. Seriously it did!


I'm born on the 21st. 10 hours into Aries in Tropical. I never felt like an Aries. Upon discovering Vedic astrology I discovered I'm actually a Pisces and everything clicked. Now that I've been paying more attention, I am curious to know why anyone follows Tropical astrology because you can use any sky map app right now and clearly see that this new moon is in Aries, not Taurus. I loved to hear you speak to that discrepancy. Thank you for everything, MJ. Love all your hard work. You're amazing.


Love your energy MJ and all you share especially tarot. I have studied and practiced placidus house system for 20 plus years. In the last two years i have started learning the whole sign house system like the ancient hellenistic astrologers used. Its worth having a look at if you have not done so already. blessings siStar (yt Kellys Astrology explains why she changed to whole sign houses).


Can you do a video about the 13th hidden zodiac sign of ophiuchus ⛎???


What is the best website to look up your birth chart? Like most accurate in your opinion?


Thank you!!! This is very helpful information. You never cease to amaze me!! love and light to all


That's why Sidereal Astrology is more accurate *in my opinion* 'cause nakshatra concept *alone* is so on point and so many divisional charts that show every aspect of life and how the native is affected.


Cuspal lines divide houses, a peson born of the cusp hasn;t finished either, they do exist.


I've been telling my friends this for years, Astrology is maths and therefore there are no cusps.
I was surprised recently when an interpretation I bought for my sons chart was sent with a planet interpreted in the next house bc it was 3° before the cusp. I asked for it to be interpreted in the right house bc clearly it was an error and she said No, just that: No (😐). it took 3 more emails for her to explain it was cuspal, on which I called her straight away, and for her to send a correct paragraph. I was flabbergasted a professional Astrologer couldn't admit such an obvious error.
Honestly what I've paid for compared to the free content on your channel and a few other Astrologers is far surpassed in quality and explaination by your fantastic channels on YouTube 🙌🏻💫💖


This has always confused me because my rising sign is at 0 degrees between Aries and Taurus and different charts have given a different answer. I just checked my chart again and it shows that it's .2 percent in Taurus. Geesh. I also always thought I was a Pisces on the Aries cusp. Thanks for clearing this up💜


Thks MJ - Never did resonate with the sign 'next door' when people would tell me to check the reading, or horoscope for that sign.


Thank you, please keep doing the informational videos as well🙏🌟🌷


This is why house cusp matters a bit more for me. What I don’t understand is how the house cusp relates to present transits.


I think the whole cusps thing is a warning that you should look accurately at you birth info. Because if a 6pm its now Sag and at 5 58 you are not it matters. If software is telling you that you're on a cusp it's because you should look closely to make sure you got it right with your time zone or your placidus setting or whatever. It's really telling you to take a second look to see if you got it right.
I have my own Astrology software and have expirimented with my chart info to see what differences occur when you input and what interpretations of the data through the houses for each particular sign and planet.
As for your longer placements that take months and years to transit through, those things tell you to what degree you are affected by the ruler and in what way.


I was just talking about cusps today with my boss! So what I thought was were "cuspy traits" actually aren't? It's just possible that the person is exhibiting another house's traits that happen to be to the adjacent sign? Man, I've got years of course correcting to do! Thank you for this teaching moment.


I have always wondered about this. Thank You ☺️ I’m January 20 and Aquarius and Capricorn claim this date!
