Testing Scary Minecraft Blocks That Are Actually Real

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Busting Soul Sand Cursed Secrets in Minecraft's Scariest Seeds and Stories! Has this ever happened to you?! 😱

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#Eystreem #Minecraft
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Here's a theory: the souls are previous players that have been killed in the nether and sucked into the block. They reach out and grab your feet so they can be freed, which is the reason they slow you down so mobs can kill you. Every time you walk the souls get flung out of the ground to be freed but what if they aren't freed? What IF they get turned into ghasts? Think about it ghast sounds like ghost. They look like ghosts that are crying because they really wanted to be freed. They harm you because they think your the reason they are trapped. But if you look at the wither his white eyes are soul eyes. He wants to kill you because you made him. The souls can't go free. JUST A THEORY!! Like if you think I made sense.


If you had Soul Speed Enchantment you could run fast to the soul sands but you could see the souls coming out of the block


Soul sand is a a block found naturally only in the nether and ancient cities. Soul sand Usually slows down the movement of mobs and player walking on it. It is also used for growing nether wart, for crafting soul-related blocks, for creating a bubble collumn, and for construction a wither I know it's kinda weird pls correct my grammar tysm.


I just realized that the souls in the Soul Sand are basically the equivalent to the Will of the Wisps from the movie Brave. The Will of the Wisps are little spirits that guide Merida. But the souls in Soul Sand slow you down and cause you to sink a little, almost like quick sand.


The guy that kicked you out was the king of souls, I think. So he would trap the dead in the sand. Which is now soul sand, so if you would free them he would get mad. So that's my theory.


This dude is a hero. He just saved a bunch of souls trapped inside of a block.


7:35 souls starts to escape out of the soul sound like coming out from the shadow realm like how😮😮😮


Soul escaps 7:42 EY need more soul but not work 7:58 EY Left up 13:04 Souls escapes to turn soul soil 9:02


I respect the fact that he puts his personal info at risk just for us


FINALLY a myth video! I love these myth videos because you learn stuff about these entitys that you didn't know before. Don't stop with these videos!


Withers could be a theory of powering it’s self due to when you hit it enough for it to turn into a destructive form for it to have a blue-ish like effect all around the withers’ body, having it to look like it’s harnessing the power of souls to create destructive power when it crushes through blocks. Soul sand was made when tons of souls fuse together to make it into a block. Back in the old versions, the nether was once considered “Hell” Because the words “Nether” meant “under” as in “underworld” and remembered when endermen were added in beta 1.8. They were genders of men but I don’t know how the differ between enderman or soul sand. But then I realized on a Reddit platform, I noticed something that enderman couldn’t escape soul sand, and enderman were once people and was a human kind like Steve himself. It’s like somehow to me enderman and soul sand have a connection with each other, and with that Reddit user and said that enderman couldn’t teleport out of soul sand. And remember you said that once people can sink into soul back when soul was added. I then started thinking of some other theories of when skeleton only spawned in the soul sand valley biome and also


Ive been watching Eystreem for a long time, and it's extremely hard to stop watching him 😀


CC moment 0:57
Sinking 3:12
Souls escape 7:33
Wither skeleton 10:06
Machines break 12:17
Hundreds of souls 12:38
The_MaSKed 12:50
D E A T H 12:53


10:37 “who would want to create an army of withers”

Technoblade smiling in the corner*

PS: RIP Technoblade


9:13 How to create a soul soil farm:


Eyestreem real likes to say:
But why? But who? Why?


7:45 that scared me. So in soul sand, there are many souls from the block, not just thousands, but millions and millions of souls


Plot twist: he's fishing so deep into the lore of soul sand but then he figures out that the devs just made the block to be in the Netherlands for it to make that sound


I personally Think that It is usedvto power up Blazes and ghasts since they are proved as automaton. This could also be an explanation for ghast only being found in soul valleys. As for why wither skeletons are found as powered skellies. I think the when the first builders came to nether they fell victim to soul sand. This would also explain the wither affect given. Meaning they wish to steal your conscience to get outta here.


Congrats eystreem, you found a new entity.
