Odins soldater Norge - Soldiers of Odin

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Privat natteravnsgruppe, og ideen kommer fra Finland, hvor innvandringskritiske personer organiserte seg i grupper som skulle patruljere gatene for å beskytte finner mot innvandrere.

I Norge sier de at de vil gjøre gatene trygge for alle.
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The strange thing about all this movement is that the original Finns, as a Finno-Ugric tribe come from deep Asia, near Monglolia so they did NOT worship such Nordic gods like "ODIN" in the first place. I went to the 'Finn Odin video' and told them to change their group name to *Kalevala army* or something. Odin should be reserved to represent for Nordic countries only (including Iceland or Faroe). Ancient Finns were NOT Vikings and even my cat knows that. Hi from Hellas, the land of Zeus/Zευς. Νοrse mythology is the 2nd best mythology, after Greek so I respect it.
