Evolution of Quantum Dot Based Smart Imaging Agents
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Gadolinium-based contrast agents (GBCA) additionally alluded to as contrast media are chemical substances utilized to separate ordinary and malignant growth cells. US food and drug administration in 2017-2018 had issued the notice with respect to the harmfulness of GBCA over-deposition of free gadolinium in the brain and different parts of the body. The primary symptom brought about by the abundance of gadolinium in the body is an uncommon condition called nephrogenic systemic fibrosis. New systems and novel frameworks that can satisfy the criteria for being a non-toxic and exceedingly stable MRI contrast agents are in pressing need. Kapoor research group is working on the development of MRI contrast agents using sustainable chemistry. Not only this, our research broadly covers the different aspects of C-H activation and their applications in medicinal chemistry and nanotechnology.