Red Alert 2: [YR] - Vehicles Tier List

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We have covered in our previous videos a tier list about the Infantry and a Tier list about the Navy. In this one we cover the most interesting units, the vehicles and with a voice over for the first time!

0:00 - Intro
0:30 - Grizzly Tanks
0:51 - Rhino Tanks
1:09 - Lasher Tanks
1:21 - IFV
2:37 - Gattling Gun
3:03 - V3 Launcher
3:29 - Magnetron
4:05 - Terror Drone
4:46 - Chaos Drone
5:12 - NightHawk Transport
5:41 - Harriers
6:10 - Black Eagles
6:36 - Demo Truck
7:01 - Robot Tanks
7:53 - Tank Destroyers
8:27 - Master Mind
8:54 - Tesla Tanks
9:30 - Mirage Tanks
10:23 - Prism Tanks
11:25 - Siege Choppers
11:47 - Floating Discs
12:18 - Battle Fortress
13:05 - Kirov
14:00 - Apocalypse Tank
16:27 - Outro
#tgsacred #ra2yr #ra2

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Hope you enjoy! :D
Btw, I created the channel below to upload Diablo2 videos from time to time to keep the current one clean.
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I can't believe I live in the times where tgSacred uploaded a voiceover episode! Great to hear you, man! Keep up the great work, but please don't forget about the meme faces in funny moments! I love that part of your channel so much. I still review your video when the AI nukes your base and you sell the naval port just to see your mainbase getting nuked and vice versa.


I had no idea the Blackhawk was stealthy, all this time lol😂

And I play this since forever ago and still do


>Apocalypse Tank B tier


Also, great to hear your voice, bud :D


Remember folks! Infantry in IFVs only dictate the weapon the Vehicle should use, but the infantry never actually fires or uses its weapon(s)! Meanwhile, the BattleFort allows Infantry to shoot out - the weapon infantry use is dictated by the key OpenTransportWeapon in the Infantry's code itself.

4:06 funny you mention the animation - the DRON isn't animated, it was animated by WW and all we're seeing is what is essentially just a GIF of that animation. The exact same situation with Buildings and Infantry; and, back in the days of Dune 2, TibDawn and RA1, the same applied to Vehicles and Aircraft.

4:50 CAOS' Psychedelic gas doesn't stack - the timer resets every time upon application, like other internal timers (Iron Curtain, Shield, etc.). This mirrors the EMP-behaviour in TibSun, btw.

6:10 the BEAGs are a 33% superior version of the FALC in all aspects but speed - for the same price.

6:40 a rare sight: warhead detonated on bridge - with a high enough CellSpread, Aircraft also get hit.
If this had happened on regular ground this wouldn't have happened - it's an engine quirk Ares allows to customise for individual Warheads.

8:00 can confirm - the key that allows units to fire while moving is *OpportunityFire* - it defaults to *No* and the TNKD's code doesn't change that value.
They deal a miserable 3 damage points against anything that isn't Light or Heavy - "no armor's too tough" indeed.

8:50 you forgot to mention the best part: after MC-ing 11 units it will blow up immediately if it didn't collect an Armor crate - this is because the base game is set to bump the Overload-damage from 100 to 500 points (regardless of armor and/or using a Warhead that is 100% effective against the MIND) as soon as it controls more than 10.

8:59 the Tesla Tank, according to the load-screen, is supposed to short-circuit vehicles - which isn't possible since EMP is disabled/unavailable without Ares DLL.

9:14 Rhino's 120mm's Range is 5.75, TTNK's TankBolt's Range is 4 - effectively two cells...

9:34 the MGTK used to be able to have a customisable disguise - if the TankMakeupKit is equipped properly it'll allow players to pick traffic lights, lamp posts, and trees other than the first four trees listed in the game. This would've made much more viable in urban sections of maps.
But, unfortunately, that custom disguise is forgotten and needs to be manually re-set if the MGTK goes anywhere.

10:02 I've been wondering about that... specifically, the keys AttackCursorOnDisguise and TreeTargeting and how they affect this.
10:12 intersting... AttackCursorOnDisguise is no in RA2, but yes in YR. TreeTargeting is disallowed in both.

11:08 minor correction: the beam-jumping (achieved via Shrapnel-mechanic) is always on - but *only* if the Prism Tank's target is an Infantry; for some reason only attacking Infantry will cause the beam to split.

12:25 sacrilege, I say! None can crush the Apocalypse! Those who try shall be crushed!

13:05 remembered that music video - the Kirovy by Direct and Dominate
13:15 the wonders of CellSpread on multi-cell Buildings! :)
13:55 if you've played MP, you'd know there'd always be mad rush for AA as soon as the first ZEP launches. Kirov reporting!

14:30 can confirm, the APOC isn't allowed to attack while moving - good thing we have a trick/exploit of sorts to bypass that.

15:29 not quite, APOC uses AAHeatSeekr, IFV uses AAHeatSeeker2 - APOC's missiles are set to be slower than the IFV's, but APOC's missiles turn a bit faster.

Nice tier-list! I actually enjoyed the voice-over.


Empty rookie IFV: D tier
Empty elite IFV: S tier

duality of IFV


Hmm i played this game for more than 20 years, i never noticed the nigthHawk was undetected on the radar 😅

Good video by the way 👍


Rhino can outrange basic defence if placing them in the max range.
Flak track is the as being a taxi.


I don't even play this game anymore but I always like clicking on your videos


Thank you for the varied content, and for your fun, personal approach to it! Love your channel so much!


How about the chad soviet harvester? Mind control immune, machine-gun, well protected. War Miner is the best miner, cause war is his metal guts!


The post credits scene is excellent haha


Back when I was playing with my high school friend, He spammed all the rhinos, flak tracks with desolators inside at me while I'm defending with basic tanks, and choppers, but little did he know. I ordered my 6 apocalypse tanks squad to destroy key structures ( War factories, barracks, then MCV ) he had no defenses, since he sent all his troops to my base, and had no idea I secretly have a war factory outside of my main base, lol. He couldn't build terror drone in time since his war factories are destroyed in seconds. he was having high hope of winning against me at the late game due to lack of resource, my investment into that apocalypse tank was worth it. He also had no choice but to divert his troops to his base, and watching my Veteran apocalypses annihilating them was satisfying, that leads to me ending the game with apocalypse tanks sneaking into his undefended base! it was an intense match for me.


I remember asking you about this 2 years ago!

It's been a long time... :D


Benefit of hindsight, and just my two cents, but I think Robot Tanks would have a better role in the Allied arsenal if they were equipped with anti-personnel weapons instead.
Robot Tanks were added specifically as a hard counter to Yuri's mind control. However, the AP cannon that Robot Tanks are equipped with are poor matches against Yuri Clones, since the Mastermind is too costly and high up the tech tree to mass produce. The Allies do not have any strong anti-personnel options in Tier 2, since deployed GIs are for static defenses, and the Navy SEAL is not available until Tier 3. Robot Tanks with anti-personnel weapons are not only better suited against Yuri Clones, but also against Tesla Troopers as well.


14:00 i was expecting that u put Lt. Zofia's voice anytime. and damn bro u never disappoint XD


Rhino tanks should be in S tier bro. And every pro ra2 player would agree.


As someone that used to play vs YR pros:

Move Magnetron to S (automag and you win any tank battle), Terror Drone to A, S if you do Terror Drone Engi rush, Black Eagle is B tier, too expensive, Gattling is S, Robot Tank is D, useless, Chaos Drone is D if you use it without ctrl-alt spam, C if you do but its too expensive. Nighthawk is D, only use to take oils. IFV is S when promoted. Mastermind is S and S+ with Grinder next to it. Lasher tank is B tier it's a copy of Griz, V3 is D tier because missiles suck, Tesla is D because it has Prism tank armor and costs too much, Mirage is awesome because tanks don't auto target in tank battles but dies to Deso bomb, Apocalypse is D because it sucks shit, is slow and mind controllable (just buy more Rhinos), Demotruck and Kirov is D but A tier if you Engi rush take a factory and build one off the factory. Flak is A tier.

Prism is an S tier unit when spammed but Rhino and Desobomb kills all of them, so I see it as A tier unit. Generally if Allies got to the point he's spamming Prisms he's won because that shit is pricy. It's also S when used in Chronosphere, "Chronobomb" as we used to call it because you can basically wipe out entire base in suicide runs.

Siege Chopper should be A+ depending on terrain, if you land on cliffs you get range boost and it does Prism tank damage almost

Tank Destroyer should be lower than D into E because it has no turret

Edit: All miners should be S tier, Chrono Miners A tier, reason being spamming alt on the enemy Warfactory means they can drive up the exit and stop enemies going out and any damage goes to the structure


You left out the miners!! Why didn't you include the miners!

I always felt that the slave miner was overall the better of the three. The war miner holds twice the ore as the chrono miner, but the later teleports back...


What I would change:

- Robot tanks - Tier C instead of Tier B - reason: they do NOT get promoted. I can kinda understand the game-logic, since the robot tank is a ROBOT and has no human driver which gets promoted (which, I guess, is also the same game-logic why terror drones or dogs don't get promoted even though they can kill/destroy units), but it is a major deal-breaker for me, as I tend to rely on promoted units in my gameplay style. I know this can be changed in the game files, like if you are modding, but remember, not everyone is a modder ;)

- Terror drones - Tier B instead of Tier S - reason: again, they do NOT get promoted, but also, IMO, their reputation is a bit overblown. Honestly, over the years, dealing with them became pretty easy for me. Seal-IFV instant kill, garrisoned infantry, deployed GIs, Repair-IFV fixes vehicles when mobile (also deals with IC-ed drones), gattling tanks and slave miners instant kill (they cannot infect slave miners too, neither mobile nor deployed), air units like siege choppers and discs in large numbers also basically instant kill... I get that they give Comrade Sofia an orgasm, but as an in-game unit, they're not really that powerful :D

- Prism tanks - Tier A instead of Tier S - reason: no anti-air defense. Prisms are my absolute favorite unit in the game, now and forever (of course, this is just a personal preference), but their lack of AA fire combined with their weak armor is a major issue for me. Every so often I find myself spamming Prisms and forgetting to get IFVs or other AA, so when I attack and the enemy gets rocketeers, siege choppers or discs to counter, I wanna through my computer out the window... :D

Finally, I really wanted to say Apoc tank as well, Tier S instead of Tier B, because of 5 words. Nine. Iron. Curtained. Heroic. Apocs. Especially in the Rynderack mod, pack 1, when the Soviets get 4 Iron Curtains - bruh... :D But, something you did not mention in the video - their slow speed and short firing range even when heroic makes them easily In Rynderack pack 2, during the Chinese campaign, I kept building Apocs in multiple missions, and the AI kept sending Yuri Clones and MMs after them and I was like "yup, computer-out-the-window time again" :D So yeah, for that reason alone, I think they are fine at Tier B.

Otherwise, the list is pretty much spot on :)
