2 KIDS REVEAL THEIR REINCARNATIONS (S2, E17) | The Ghost Inside My Child | Full Episode | LMN

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Aiden's mother becomes concerned when he tells her about a sister he doesn't have and a house he has never lived in. But things get even scarier when he reveals he was killed in a past life by the people who were suppose to protect him, his parents. See more in Season 2, Episode 17, "Death On The Farm and Parents Who Harm."


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when i was a toddler i use to say to my mom "mommy remember when i was in heaven and i was watching you and daddy talk in the bar with the big piggy?" i was almost four and my mom was kinda freaked out because at that point she did not tell me at the time how my parents met, i use to say "nessie wanted to come first but i went down first instead, then i asked god to let nessie come down next" so context i flatlined at birth for 2 minutes


I am a firm believer in past lives I remembered one as an adult!! I had a lot of physical problems in this lifetime but with a skilled therapist who was also a psychic I remembered one of my past lives that made so much sense with my physical problems in this lifetime!! I was always interested in past lives too for some reason! I think u both are fantastic Mothers dealing with this bc u both had no previous knowledge about this!! Aiden is incredibly love in this lifetime and that’s all that matters!!❤️❤️


Aidan is probably the cutest little boy I have ever seen!!! SO friggen


I feel like I’m the only one who LOVES all the tooing & frowing etc!! 😂


Ryan’s mom is amazing never give up on research i wouldn’t


I wonder if Ryan might be having aural migraines with those lights he sees. 🤔


Ryan we all have multiple lives but most don’t remember


I’m glad the mother met someone that is going through the same experience with their child so she didn’t feel alone and share their own experiences and someone to call and talk about it. I’ve seen a few episodes of this program but sometimes I’ve a feeling some possibly may have some kind of psychic abilities. The Lord only knows the truth about it; even like couples I’ve seen they struggle with it too because of our own religious beliefs. I don’t want to be in their shoes but every parent goes through so many different situations and experiences raising your own child.


I just googled the name of the past life and, oh my god the story is there


So much love these children get from there parents i notice alot with boys they miss a father figure because other friends have daddies. My friend found it hard to explain why he had two mummys especially on fathersday at school writing card's 😢😢😢


I am wanting to listen to the story, but geez did you think if you found every haunted house sound effects, every suspense soundtrack, every frightening sound and just load them all one after the other, would be effective. It’s not. It’s distracting and irritating and makes it very hard to stay with the story.


I'm 42 and I only have 2 memories I believe are from a past life.... I can't prove that they are from a past life but I believe they are I try to talk about them and I have been told I was told stories so much that I believe they are memories


Same thing over and over and over. Show ys one story at the time. No soundeffects and dont send the same info over and over just to make it long. Its just annoying


my step son was the same he was a farmer died on a farming accident he is in this 30s now doing good


The editing and sound effects make the video look cheap and ridiculous.


6:31 wonder if she tells everyone Aiden takes after her because she could also drink out of a sippy cup at 4 months


I eI encourage viewers to read books about reincarnation by Delores Cannon, Edgar Cayce, Dr. Bryan Weiss, etc


The flashing light on your videos are annoying, and given me a headache, but like the stories.


Sadly he's now become addicted to his medication the parents should never of given him medication for sleeping.maybe of tried natural remedies.


These cheap dramatization sound effects and editing makes this unwatchable. Why? We just want to hear the story. It's not 1994 anymore. Nobody buys this
