Climate and Air Pollution Consequences | Ines Azevedo | Energy Seminar

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This talk will cover three related recent/ongoing pieces of work: 1) Comparing the Health Damages from Air Pollution to the Value Added in the U.S. Economy (PNAS, 2019): Integrated assessment models are used to compute economy-wide gross external damages (GED) due to premature mortality from air pollution, with 4 key findings. 2) Fine Particulate Air Pollution from Electricity Generation in the US: Health Impacts by Race, Income, and Geography (ES&T, forthcoming): An estimate the health effects from air pollution from electricity generation in the US, for each of the seven Regional Transmission Organizations, for each US state, by income and by race. Disparities by race/ethnicity are observed for each income category. 3) What are the best combinations of fuel-vehicle technologies to mitigate climate change and air pollution effects across the United States? (in review): Estimating the life cycle monetized damages due to GHGs and criteria air pollutant emissions for different types of passenger-moving vehicles in the U.S.

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Rigorous exposition of relevant stats.
