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Time Stamps:
Fstop & Aperture: 1:20
Shutter Speed: 4:50
ISO: 6:24
Exposure Triangle: 8:45
Camera Modes: 9:26
-Auto: 9:48
-Aperture Priority: 10:05
-Shutter Priority: 10:24
-Manual: 10:42
Which Mode to Pick: 11:15
Raw and Jpg: 12:17
Lenses: 15:26
Composition: 21:05
Key Tips: 23:35
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Photography is a ton of fun but there are some basics that you need to know before you can really get going. Learning your settings: Fstop and Aperture, Shutter Speed and ISO is vital in order to use your camera properly and to get the qualities in photos you are looking for.
Knowing which camera mode to use in certain situations and how to use them could make the difference between taking a good picture and a bad one.
What about how your photo is recorded. The format that you will inevitably have to edit and manipulate. Are you going to shoot in RAW or JPG? This could determine your ability to edit the photo the way you want or not. And what if you shoot it over or underexposed. Will you be able to recover the data?
Not to mention lenses. Which lens should you choose, what does all the info on the lenses mean? Will your lens work for what you want?
And finally, the big one, Composition. The most over-educated and over-complicated subject. There is good and bad composition, but there is so many “professionals” on the subject that how do you pick out the accurate info to the noise?
This video is basically a mini photography course that will give you all the information you need to take your camera out of the box, turn it on and go take some incredible photos. Why spend tons of money on a photography course when you could watch this video and get started for free!
Enjoy! And welcome to the Journey!
Happy Shooting!
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#ExploringPhotography #photographybasics #beginnerphotography